Monday, December 23, 2013

The Jacket that was left behind - our response- prayer

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Another nippy night on the trail! Is everyone ready for the big days?  I'm not! I'm ready for the spiritual part but the rest not so much but I will be. I have  coffee cakes to bake tomorrow and artichoke delicacy to prepare. Those are the always done the day before Christmas so, I'm really ahead. As I was walking tonight I came across this jacket that was left behind near the Spearmint Rhino and Smog and Lube,

 and it reminded me when we saw the shoes that were also left behind. More currency. These moments always tug at my heart strings for many reasons. The main one is why would anyone leave a jacket or sweatshirt behind? Lately I have been seeing a lot of clothing and shoes strewn on sidewalks.  I hate to imagine that the owner of the sweat jacket is homeless, cold, and had to take flight because of fear. My response when I see this, is to pray for the owner of the jacket and also pray for his or her safety. Remember this morning's blog and prayers? This is an example of praying wherever you are. So let us pray again:

Lord God we pray for the owner of this sweatshirt that s/he who left it behind is safe and that they are keeping warm on these wintry nights.
 We remember all those who are affected by any kind of severe and extremely cold weather. 
We remember all those who are affected by the terrible ice storms in Canada and U.S.
 We pray that heating and power will be restored and that all emergency rescue personnel are staying safe.
We pray for all of our homeless, hungry, and destitute family members.  
Help us never to turn our backs on anyone who is in need.
We pray for all those who work and stay in  emergency and long term shelters.
We remember and pray for all families who are in need and won't have the Christmas most people will have.
We pray for women and children that they may be protected and defended.
Watch over those who are addicted, abused, neglected, exploited, and have lost hope.
Watch over all the elderly who are lonely.
Help us to always remember "The Light of Christ in Me, recognizes the Light of Christ in you"
All these petitions we lift up to you O Lord and lay them at the feet of the Manger of Hope,Peace, Joy, and Love. Amen.
Well dearies I will put together a musical sampler and more photos tomorrow!

I love you! Remember today is You Matter Monday! You Matter to God, You matter to me and I give thanks to God for you this day and always!

Love and peace of mind!


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