Sunday, December 22, 2013

Walking with hope, peace, joy and love and shining God's love to the world

Walking with hope, peace, joy and love and shining God's love to the world

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey,

Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent! Let us rejoice and be glad for our journey to the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love is drawing near.  This week’s prayer walk will be focused on all of the 4 keywords Hope, Peace,Joy, and Love. This prayer walk will be like no other we have done. Don’t get bogged down with these suggestions! Enjoy being with God and God’s creation or as I call it God's Cathedral of Life, while you walk and pray.  We will be taking time to refresh our bodies, minds, and spirits with energy along with prayers. Don’t forget your iPod or Mp3 player. Music is important too.  I take pictures and listen to music as I walk and pray!

 Remember last week we had the key words of hope, peace and joy? This week we get to add to the framework the key word of love. 

For those who haven't done our prayer walks we walk at whatever time is most suitable. I choose the evenings because of the peaceful qualities.

We  prepare  ourselves by hydrating with the image of Living Water coursing through our veins, tying our laces securely, wrapping our bodies with God's Warm prayer coat.

We invite God on our walk using these words or your own. God we invite you as you invite us to walk with you on our journey. Enliven our spirits, quicken our steps and open our hearts as we pray and walk.

When we first set out on our journey today we ask God to help us to be hope givers, peace makers, and bringers of joy and love light shiners, to every family member we meet on our path! As Mr. Roark said on Fantasy Island “Smiles everyone, Smiles!”

Take a look at the sky and note the feel of the temperature. Take some gentle breaths and feel the indwelling of joy and God’s spirit with in you! Take time to know that this time is a conversation between you and God and the healing of your bodies, minds, and spirits. Feel the breeze enfold you as God enfolds you every day of your life with love.

Whenever you see a Stop sign take time to pay attention to your breathing and heart beating. That is God with in you. Are you beginning to feel peaceful and hopeful? Those holy endorphins will kick in soon. You should be able to feel God’s spirit and the Water of life coursing through your veins.

Begin to pray for all of our family members and ask God to take care of them while you walk. As God to help you lay down you mental burdens as you take in all of God’s creation. Is there anything causing you to be anxious? Leave it on God’s broad shoulders. Ask God to show you how to be loving towards those who are difficult to appreciate and love.

Who is on your path today? God has set them there for a reason! Pray for those who are using varying modes of transportation and all those whom you meet. Smile and say Hello!  Keep this in mind when you see family members who cross your path:  Remember that you are walking in the light of God and "Light of Christ In Me recognizes the light of Christ In you.
Begin your prayer list and if you don’t wish to use one here are suggestions for this week.
Pray for businesses and employees
Pray for all those who keep your city safe.
Pray for all those who are homeless, hungry, and outcast.
Pray for your faith community.
Pray for an end to abuse, exploitation, and violence.
Pray for anything or anyone who God sets up on your heart.

God show me how I can be a hope bringer, Peace maker, joy giver, and love light shiner to a broken and tender world.

Ask God how you can be more loving, giving, compassionate, when we are barraged with all the hype and negativity. Love is the key and right frame of mind this week!

Lift up your hearts to God! God will never fail you. God is ever present.

Remember God requires each of us is “to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.  This isn't just on occasion but, now and always.

Finally Give thanks to God for all that God has done in your life today. Ask God to help you be a peace maker and hope bearer, joy bringer, love light shiner to a broken world. 

Dear Ones these are only suggestions. Remember to honor what your body is telling you to do. This framework can be prayed in place as well

We pray this final prayer: 
We thank you Lord for letting us carry our prayers and those who have asked us for prayers in our hearts, minds, and spirits. We thank you for making our Feet Swift and Beautiful for you and guiding our steps on this prayer walk to the manger of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. Amen.

                                              Angels Among US

I was walking home from school on a cold winter day.
Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way.
It was getting late, and I was scared and alone.
But then a kind old man took my hand and led me home.
Mama couldn't see him, but he was standing there.
And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees.
There's always been someone there to come along and comfort me.
A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helping hand.
A phone call from a friend, just to say I understand.

And ain't it kind of funny that at the dark end of the road.
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

They wear so many faces; show up in the strangest places.
To grace us with their mercy, in our time of need.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

To guide us with the light of love.

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