Tuesday, December 24, 2013

O Come Let us Adore Him

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey !

Merry Christmas dear family of mine and each other! Well we have arrived at the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. It is a marvelous sight to behold! Can you hear the angel's singing? I see the shepherds making haste to see the new born king. Emmanuel is with us yet again as He always is. I feel the special emotions and the tingles as I know that you do and as we look skywards we see the most amazing star in the sky directly overhead. This is a special place, a special time, and special child.

Now that we have set the scene let us pray and give thanks to God for the gift of the Christ child who will show us how to love in amazing ways that no one since has ever done!

Dear God we pray for all mothers who are in childbirth tonight. May they have safe deliveries and healthy babies. May the new fathers be like Joseph and be patient and take each day as it comes without the anxiety of fatherhood.

We pray for all those who travel and pray that there will be room in the inn for each guest and that hospitality will be offered and shown along the way.

We pray for all those who have to work while we enjoy Christmas with our families and friends.

We pray for all parents who are empty nesters who won't have their children near them this year and that all of us may be understanding with the changing family dynamics in our families.

We pray for all who sorrow as Jesus did when he wept at the grave of his friend Lazarus. May we be awake to the presence of our family members in the Thin Places and know that they are nearby and that we will see them again.

We give thanks for each other the love, friendship, and familyhood you have brought together in pray and allowing us To Walk with you on our journey together. Amen.

Now here is the special part!

Imagine that you are in a church or cathedral of your own choosing!
What does it feel like and what does it smell like?
As you get situated in the pew, who is near you? Is this a new church for you or an old familiar one?
The organ is playing Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring and other favorite organ music. I hear a few coughs and squeaky kneeling benches can't you? Oh Mr. Samsung Galaxy still has his ringer on full blast! Along the side aisle of the the church you can see the choir, acolytes and ministers getting ready for the service and the procession. Can you smell the beeswax candles? I can! There is the pervading smell of pine and garlands the church has wreathes, holly, and I see the Creche with most of the figures of the nativity. Baby Jesus isn't their yet.

I hear the quiet hush of the nave and the sanctuary as the organ begins to play "Sheep May Safely Graze"
As the prelude ends you can feel and hear the Acolytes, Choir, and ministers fall into place to make their way down the center aisle of the nave. All of a sudden you hear the deep tones of the organ begin to pipe up to the hymn "O Come All Ye Faithful!" and everyone is singing at the top of their lungs "O Come Let Us Adore Him!" My heart swells with emotion and excitement as it does each year. Memories of church services past and present flood my mind, only for a moment. The procession concludes and the priest begins the formal part of the service with opening words and then we hear the choir sing the Gloria by John Rutter.  Following the Gloria we are led with an opening prayer. Choose one of your own if you'd like to join in. Lessons are read. We hear the familiar one from Isaiah that we hear over and over again from Handel's Messiah "For Unto us a Child is Born" and after a few more readings we hear the Gospel being read by the Deacon or Priest telling us about Christ's birth. Every year I keep wondering what Quirinius looked like and is the Syria in the Bible in the same location as it is today? I keep taking it all in ! Next comes the passing of the peace. I saw an old friend or two. I love Christmas services! So many people I haven't seen in over a year or years. Family Reunion time! O did I mention that they are using incense this year? My favorite blend ! Thank you Jesus! I can smell a hint of Frankincense. My favorite essential oil when I need a little uplift! More prayers are said and we find ourselves hearing the choir sing the anthem "Welcome all Wonders!" I had forgotten how marvelous this piece is and the trumpets and timpani really add luster to the singing. In my church we have the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. I see the acolytes assisting the deacon and priest get the altar ready for communion. I won't bore you with all the details, if you are interested please check into your local Episcopal Church and you'll see what happens. The wine and bread become the Body and Blood of Christ. Oh my favorite! The Lord's prayer.  and the invitation to communion is given. Good! Ushers who are on their toes I am dismissed from my pew and go up to receive communion. I place my hands together to receive. Wow! The priest remembers my name when I receive the host! I feel welcome! Next the chalice bearer comes by and  I receive the wine! (Tastes like Tawny Port! Not my favorite! At least it isn't dry sherry!)  I go back to the pew and pray some more and sing many of the old favorite carols.
I keep saying my, it isn't, it belongs to God! I just get used to sitting there whenever I'm in town! The choir has started to rock out to the strains of Mary Boy Child Jesus Christ! When did they add the steel drum? Nice to have variation in the music.The final prayers are said, the time has come and the lights are dimmed and a hush comes over the congregation and Silent Night is sung and Baby Jesus is placed in the creche, and the recessional or mission hymn is "Hark the Herald Angels Sing!"  is sung! Emotions are joyous, spirit is uplifted and yes the Living Water is coursing through our veins! The dismissal is given and another Christmas service is in the books! Well dear family I hope you enjoyed my creating a virtual church service for you. If you have your own tradition you may add or subtract the imagery as you like.  I felt that if you didn't get to church this might work too. 

Well dearies lots more things to add! I love you, Merry Christmas and thank you for continuing to hear God's words when he says "Walk with me on our journey!" May God continue to bless us as we carry God's Light into the world giving hope, proclaiming peace, bringing joy, and being loving!

Lots of love and may you have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!


Music Sampler

Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring

Sheep May Safely Graze

Gloria John Rutter

O Come All Ye Faithful

Welcome All Wonders

Mary's Boy Child

Silent Night

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

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