Monday, December 23, 2013

Taking time to pray and make a difference wherever you are!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

This is the time of the season where our prayer life may take a hit. It doesn't have to be that way! Here is a way to pray throughout our busy days leading up to our annual pilgrimage to the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

Pray whenever you get in to the car and go somewhere. Pray for safety, alertness, and being a courteous and not road rage oriented driver.

When you are at a stop sign or in bumper to bumper traffic pray for patience and teenage and elderly drivers.

Pray for all homeless and hungry people when you see them. Make up your own shelf stable lunches and care packages that you can give from your cars. At our church we have a program called Martha's Meals which gives out shelf stable lunches. Anyone can make these up and have them in your car:
Here is how to make them:
Brown paper lunch bag,
Napkin, plastic cutlery
Granola bar
Juice box
Any kind of shelf stable protein (Tuna Salad w/crackers, Vienna sausages, etc)
Crackers and cheese
Small pouch of  nuts.
Shelf stable fruit
Don't for get pet food and things for God's littlest creatures! 
Pairs of socks
Use your imagination!
In the grocery store you can pray in line. 

At the gas station pray to be good stewards of God's Cathedral of Life. If you are out walking take a pair of food prep or exam gloves and a plastic bag and pick up litter if you aren't squeamish.

Wherever you have to wait there is an opportunity for prayer and thanksgiving.

If you live near agricultural areas, pray for the farm worker  and all those who bring our food from farm to table.

When you drive past these places please pray! (City Hall, Police station, hospitals, fire stations,schools, libraries, medical office buildings)

Don't forget to pray for all religious leaders both clergy and lay and their faith communities this time of year and especially all those who will come through their doors for help.

Pray for all those awaiting medical test results and having surgery this time of year.

Take time to pray for all those who are single, lonely, widowed, divorced, and estranged from family and friends. Pray for those who continue to grieve!

Today's O Antiphon:
O Emmanuel - SSJE

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