Sunday, December 29, 2013

Walking with the Lord God at the time of the Evening Breeze ( based on a Verse from Genesis)

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

I hope you all have had a pleasant and wonderful Sunday. I also hope you had the opportunity to take time for rest,reflection, and renewal. In short a Sabbath observance of some kind.  I had a busy day at the Faith Factory (church). At our 11:00 a.m. service we had The Festival of Lessons and Carols. Our Daughters of the King Chapter were the readers of the lessons. The first lesson was from Genesis and the verse from which our prayer walking blog theme is based is this "They (Adam and Eve) heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze" I was struck by this verse because it is the time I or maybe God has set for us to prayer walk. No, I think that God is definitely in the midst of this and there is no coincidence just God working in us and through us. When I heard this verse, I got extra special tingles and wanted to be like Moses and take off my shoes in front of the Burning Bush. Hearing this contemplative verse made me think of a way for us to do our prayer walking for the week. We are going to go back to an old formula that we first used when we started this and mix up the music and types of praying that we do so here we go! It will work if you are at home as well.

We always start out with these same steps!
 We  prepare  ourselves by hydrating with the image of Living Water coursing through our veins, tying our laces securely, wrapping our bodies with God's Warm prayer coat. Select your music One contemplative set and one uplifting!
You will know what works for you!

We invite God on our walk using these words or your own. God we invite you as you invite us to walk with you on our journey. Enliven our spirits, quicken our steps and open our hearts as we pray and walk.

Take an intentional look around God's Cathedral of Life and the neighborhood and pay attention. Do you know "Who Are The People in your Neighborhood?" as the song on "Sesame Street " says. Pray for everyone who is a neighbor remember they are next door, stranger, and yes even an enemy.

Now begin to ask God to release the stresses from your body, mind, and spirit and for the rest of the contemplative music playlist pray for all of our family members as they bubble up and come to mind. Don't force! Rest and relax into God and the Spirit. God will give you what you need when you need it. I hope all the tensions begin to unwind and make you aware of God's Cathedral of life. I would say use 1/3  Contemplative music. Too much will make you sleepy and unfocused and may not keep you safe. (The could be considered warm up) Don't forget to breathe in God's Spirit and be aware of the smells along the way.

Now begin to play the uplifting musical play list (make this 1/3 time as well) and this is a time for a little more spring your step and this is a time for praise and thanksgiving. We often do not take time for this part. I feel that we all need to find a special blend of balance when we take time to be in conversation with God. (This could be your aerobic and speed walking time)

Finally take time for introspection and ask God to show you what you have learned, seen, and felt on this walk. Offer to God all those whom you prayed for. You might want to add more petitions and thanksgivings. This is now what they call in fitness cool down. Return to calming and joyous music. 

This ebb and flow will make it easier and less formal and may work better for some of you. What ever works and as long as it is to the Glory of God it is good!

Use this final prayer if you'd like:  We thank you Lord for letting us carry our prayers and those who have asked us for prayers in our hearts, minds, and spirits. We thank you for making our Feet Swift and Beautiful for you and guiding our steps as we walk with the Magi and follow the bright star in the East to the manger of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. Amen.


This week's prayer cycle:

We pray for the following family members, situations, and offer our thanksgivings!

We pray for the lonely, lost, and outcast. 
We pray for those who are homeless and hungry and malnourished. (Remember Buena Vista Vince and all those who live outside)
We pray for all those who have chronic illness, pain, and those who have orphan diseases.
We pray for the men and women in the armed forces and also our local and state police forces.
We pray for our Government.
We pray for all Faith Communities and leaders and those in discernment of any kind.
We pray to be good stewards of God's Cathedral of Life.
We pray for_________________________

We pray for Syria, Ukraine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Sudan.
We pray for those who are affected by violence and terror and the end to hate that leads to these acts.
We pray for all who are affected by weird weather and for those who are without heat, electricity and water.
We pray for all those who have lost their unemployment benefits.
We pray for caregivers and medical professionals.
We pray for the elderly and those who are in assisted living. We especially remember those who have dementia and Alzheimer's
We pray for all those who are mourning the loss of loved ones and who may feel grief afresh.
We remember those who have entered into joy_________________________

We give thanks to you O God  for all our many blessings__________________________

Lord, may we walk with you in the garden at the time  of the evening breeze and may we pray as you did in all the gardens of your world.

We offer these petitions and thanksgiving to you  this day and always. Amen.

May we always be hope bearers, peace makers, joy givers, and those who shine your light and love to a broken world.  Amen.

Dear Ones, lots of things in one volume but it will make things easy to find. 

I love you and you matter! I can't believe how calm and peaceful I'm feeling as I pray and write.

Love and peace of mind and I give thanks to God for you this day and always!


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