Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Checking in to say I love you!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey,

We dear ones we are in a holding pattern and will return to walking soon. I have been felled by post op pain and a bad sinus headache which is easing up but we are having bad winds here in Santa Maria and this is normal for us during this time of year It has been no mean feat for me to dial it down and  rest. But that is what I must do. Tomorrow we will receive the plan for the next steps and when chemo will begin.  I want each of you to know that I love you and give thanks to God for you each day. I feel your love and prayers as I hope you feel mine. A few prayers for everyone are below! I wish you all a blessed night!

Love, peace, and joy!

Dear God keep watch over all those who are ill and going through trying and rough times. 

We pray for children who have lost parents and parents who have lost children . We pray for those who mourn at all stages of grieving of any loss. 

We pray for those who are finding it hard to  make ends meet and all of our family members who are struggling in anyway.

We pray for those seeking employment and better paying jobs. 

We pray for our family members who have Cancer or any chronic illness.

We pray for those who have requested prayer and their requests. 

We pray this night for all who go to sleep ill may they wake up refreshed and have new healing begun.

Help those of us who are ill to lay things down and rest. May we feel your healing grace and peace.

We pray add our prayers, thanksgivings,celebrations, and remembrances to you this day and always in Jesus' most holy name. Amen.

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