Thursday, May 22, 2014

A return to our pilgrim journey with lots to pray about.

Good Evening Lovely Family!

We have returned to God's Cathedral of Life and yes it was good to be back and feel the soft breeze on my face and enjoying being with God and all of our Family Members who were out and about. I was reminded yet again that we have to be mindful of the least of these. Here is the photo that reminded me of this.

Seeing yet another jacket left behind always gives me a heavy and tender heart. We always pray for our family member who owns it and prays that the s/he may not have come to any harm. We pray also that the person may return and get it and maybe then next owner. Remember any clothing that is left behind or is lost is currency to the least of these and has much value.  So this was a good time to Stop, Look, and Listen to God and what s/he is saying to us at the depths of our hearts. This refocused our prayers again and got us back on track. Remember it is always we not I as we walk and pray.

I invite us yet again to take time to pray for the least of these and offer any prayers to God that we may have on our hearts.

God and Parent of us All, help us to remember our family members who are hungry. May we come to their aid and may they be fed. 

We pray for all of our Family Members who live outdoors tonight and may they be safe from harm. We pray that various shelters may be opened to meet the needs of every homeless person. We pray for all chronically homeless family members who are mentally ill, may we never look down on them but ask how we can be of help. May we see your reflection in their eyes and faces. They are family members too.

We pray for all mentally ill family members and for adequate treatments that comfort and make them less frightened and make them steady contributors to society.

We pray for all of our Family Member who long for acceptance and the courage to live authentically as the beautiful children you have made.

We pray for all the places in your world where there is political unrest and where human rights are scarce.

We remember the people of Thailand, the Ukraine, China, the Missing Girls of Nigeria, for the Sudan and South Sudan, and again we pray for all places where there is religious persecution, political unrest, and inequality. 

We pray for our family members who are caregivers and may they all remember to take time for self-care and rest.

We pray that we may always take time for Sabbath rest with you O God and may we always find peace in our souls to listen and be at one with you during the day.

We pray for all family members who are experiencing illness and unwellness of their bodies minds, and spirits. We pray for balance and wellness in our lives.

We pray, remember, give thanks, and celebrate this day especially_________________

We offer these prayers to you O God. Amen.


This and that:

Today on the Can the Cancer front: I'm adjusting to having the pump with me but I have developed one of the side effects: Photo Sensitivity and I have sunburn. That's the only thing I have so far and am very glad.

Worked on details for Dad's memorial service that will be on June 6, 2014 at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Santa Maria at 11:00 a.m. 

Met my brothers at Dudley Hoffman Mortuary and went over final details with Mr. Michael Hoffman. 


That's all for now dear ones ! I love you, and may you all have a blessed night and remember being thankful and thoughtful aren't just for today but always!

Love, prayers, and blessings be always yours,


Tonight's Walking Music! Highly recommend it

Walking the Sacred Path -Dan Schutte He has a book of 30 prayers that accompany the music.

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