Thursday, May 15, 2014

Finding an oasis in the midst of the heat

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

I can't believe that it is still too hot to prayer walk! So we are finding an oasis in the midst of the heat! Resting  at home when it's hot is difficult at best but I'm making myself do it! I'm preparing myself for next week and  I will be learning to do just that when I begin my chemotherapy! The challenge with this horrible heat and we here in Santa Maria reached 104 degrees today is how to pray when we are uncomfortable. I find the easiest way today is to allow what ever is going through my mind and touching my heart to set the tone. All we need to do is to sit in a cool place or a warm one depending upon where you live and begin a short time of prayer.

Let us pray.

Dear God and creator of all things we offer these prayers to you this night.

We pray for seasonable weather all over the world. We pray especially for rain in the draught parched areas of our state and country. 

We pray for rapid containment of the wildfires all over California and especially for our family members who have lost homes, lives, and  property. We pray for all the firefighters and all those persons who keep us safe daily.

We pray for the miners who have lost their lives in Turkey, for the Girls who were kidnapped in Nigeria, for peace in the troubled areas of  Your world.

We pray for all our family members who are on our hearts and in our minds at this very moment. We remember especially _________________

We pray for our family members who are suffering illnesses of any kind and help them and us know that your healing hands and arms are around them even though we may not see it right away.

We pray for conservation of your planet Earth and may we be given to greater and responsible stewardship of all natural resources. May we be mindful of how we use them.

Help us always to remember to be thankful and thoughtful always and especially on Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday.

God may we take our rest in your loving arms this night without worry but with the calming sense of your presence.

All this we ask in your Most Holy Name and  in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.


That's all for now Dear Family! I will be on the road tomorrow and I'm not sure if I will be blogging tomorrow but you have plenty of the blogs to look up and read. Remember it is  and that will take you to all of  our 300+ blogs! 

I love you and give thanks to God for you on this Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday and always!

Love and prayers and trying to stay cool,


Chris Spheeris-Selection



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