Friday, May 30, 2014

We must slow down! Time to Stop, Look, and Listen

Dear Family of Love!

I'm back! Have you missed me? Yesterday was one of those days when I was extremely tired and everything hurt. Today I'm feeling better and stronger. I missed writing to you but I did pray for you and yours. I was struck by this quote from Thomas Merton: "We must slow down to a human tempo and we’ll begin to have time to listen." Often times we become senseless Whirling Dervishes and this is not sane or good for anyone. Rest times are key in order for us to listen to God in the stillness and especially in times of fatigue and pain. We need to allow for these times in our lives on a regular basis. I invite you to try a time of rest and changing up your routine. Don't forget to allow for fun too! 

Today I did take a few outings that really helped refresh me. I went out to dinner and the later on a walk to the store with prayers in between. I feel much better and am grateful that I do. I may get to a loop tomorrow but I will know tomorrow. 

Let us Stop, Look, and Listen to God in the stillness while we rest and pray.

God give us the courage to rest when we must and stop being human doings but human beings.

Help u to listen for your voice as we rest and what you are telling us in our moments of tiredness and dis-ease.  We pray that we will honor our delicate shells that house our souls.

God we pray that we may look out for our family members when they are feeling tired and un-well. Give us courage to reach out help them.

God we pray for this Your broken and troubled world. We pray for peace and  an end of violence and injustice everywhere. We pray that Human rights will be honored and every human and animal being is loved,  protected, respected, and given their dignity.

We pray for______________

We give thanks to you God for________________

We remember this day all those who are dying and have died today and entered the Thin Places especially___________

We pray for all who mourn and are mourning losses of any kind especially_____________

We celebrate this day_______________________

We pray for all those who are in transition and are discerning vocations and new life paths.

We lift up these our prayers to you O God in the Stillness of our hearts and bodies that have taken time to stop, look, and listen to you.  Amen.


That's all for now dear family! I love you , you matter, and hope that you have remembered that today is still Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly without Fretting. I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

Love and peace of mind.



Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene

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