Thursday, May 8, 2014

New challenges to meet with God's Grace!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

When I went back to the hospital to see my dad and find out what the results of the "Scopies" (Colonoscopy and an Endoscopy) were I hadn't any idea what was to come. Dad has a mass in his colon in the secum area. He has joined my club and I wish that he hadn't had to but, it is a good feeling to know what's up. Please continue to pray for us as I continue to pray for you. Tomorrow we will learn more and find out what the results of the CT scan is. He will possibly have surgery on Tuesday. Tomorrow I will be flying to San Diego for the DOK Spring Assembly and will be back on Saturday night. I'm finding that all these new challenges require us to meet them with God's grace.

Let us be at prayer for all of our family members who are meeting various challenges in their daily lives.

Holy God we pray for all of our family members who are going through struggles of any kind and that they may be given courage  and the sense of your presence.

We pray for all of our family members who are in the hospital or any other care facility  that they may receive good care and that they may be listened to with loving ears and may be shown dignity and respect.

We pray for the kidnapped girls from Nigeria that they may be safely returned to their family's arms.

We pray for all children who are ill and have special needs.

We pray for all caregivers of every stripe that they may receive care and compassion and that they may have a loving and supportive support system. 

We pray that there may be peace,justice,love and environmental conservation on our planet and especially in all troubled places where there is political unrest.

We pray for all who travel either locally or on highway, air, sea, and we remember those aboard the International space station. We pray for safety whatever mode of transport people use. We pray also for alert drivers who make their cars No Phone Zones!

God we give thanks this day for our many blessings that you showered upon us. May we add our own thanksgivings here________________________

God we pray for all those who sent us prayer requests especially_______________________

We pray for those celebrating any kind of celebration remembering______________________

We pray in remembrance for those who are dying and those who have died today remembering especially________________

God pray these prayers to you and ask you to be with us as we take our rest and feel your loving presence around us. Amen.


Good Night Lovies! I love you lots!

Love, peace, and in thanksgiving for you!


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