Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Circling the tower again! Another night waiting to walk! A return to the weekly prayer cycle !

Dear Family of  Love!

We are circling the tower again tonight! This isn't the easiest thing to have to do but, we will survive and get through all these quirky changes. We are going to become adaptable and that may be one of the gifts that we will be bringing on this pilgrimage. 

Tonight we will be returning to the weekly prayer cycle and a short period of praying in place.

Prayer cycle:

For ourselves
Our  Family members.
Those who mourn.
Peace on Planet Earth
For an end to violence of any kind.
Women and their struggles
The Missing Nigerian Girls
Cancer patients
Caregivers of every stripe.
All indigenous family members throughout the world.
The people on the Pine Ridge Reservation and Red Shirt Table
An end to honor killings
Those who struggle with addiction 
The community of Isla Vista and UCSB
For our Troops, Veterans, POWS, MIAs, Gold Star Families
The least of these!
Parents who have lost children due to gun violence.
For Sound Governance through out the world.
The ill, lonely, homeless, hungry, and those who feel marginalized.
The LGBTQ community and the people who love them.
For all first responders and all those who keep us safe from harm.
Fro all those who are in transition and seeking new life paths and employment.


Dear God we pray for all those who are on our hearts and minds this day remembering____________

We pray for an end to violence against women and girls

For all those who are mentally ill and have memory disorders.

For all those who will make the outdoors their home tonight.

For good discernment prior to our casting ballots next week. We pray for an end to partisan bickering and back stabbing. We pray for justice and peace in our country and that the least of these may be protected and better served.

We pray for solutions to Global warming and climate change. We pray that we all may become good stewards of your planet. 

For all of us who go through emotional ups and downs. That we may feel your loving and gentle presence.

May we sew seeds of hope, joy, love, and peace to all our family members! 

Dear God  we offer special prayers on behalf of all our family members who are afraid to to ask and for our many loved ones who are in need of loving compassion.

We pray especially for those who need reassurance that they are never forgotten or alone and that they are being heard and responded to.

Gracious and loving God we lift up these our prayers and the prayers of others to You and in the name of your Most Blessed Son Jesus. Amen.   

That's all for tonight dear family! I hope you all have taken care on this Take Care Tuesday. I love you, you matter, Breathe in God exhale Love and be the light to the world.

Love and prayers and blessings!


Delarue - A Musical Rapture

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