Sunday, August 16, 2015

Don't be afraid to show who you are to the world. Your emotions and spiritual selves make you uniquely who you are.

Good Evening Dear Family of Love!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday and that we all took time to rest, worship, and honor our bodies. I'm still battling fatigue and it isn't pretty at all. It can be extremely annoying when you have plans and you can't do anything but sit and watch mindless movies on the Hallmark Channels. Today I had a grief bite and those are never pretty and they come at the most inopportune time. I'm realizing that one doesn't have to be strong all the time 24/7/365. We all must show our vulnerability and the person we are  at the very core of our being. This is part of honoring our bodies, minds, and spirits and the person we authentically are. Don't be afraid to feel. Our emotional selves make us who we are and are married and perfectly paired with our bodies and our spiritual selves. Every aspect of ourselves are connected  to our bodies, minds, and spirits not separately but together as one. We also are one with God and each other. This reminds me of an old praise song "They will know we are Christians by out Love" Let us listen to this song as we prepare for our meditation and prayer time.

They will know we are Christians by our Love 

Please pay close attention to the lyrics and the pictures in the videos.

Let us begin our meditation time with music and breathing exercises. 

Nightnoise- At The End of The Evening

Pay close attention to your breathing, heartbeat, and what is going on in your minds. Try to quiet the tempo and all garbage and restlessness that is going on in your bodies, minds, and spirits. Remember the Sabbath/Worry Jar add more to if you should need to. Take your time. Don't be in a rush. This is your time to be with God and yourselves.


God we pray that we may give ourselves permission to feel emotions that are loving,  joyful, scary, sad, and maddening. May we realize that these make us who we are.

God we pray for our family member who have trouble getting to know their authentic selves and members of their own family. We pray that we all may know each other in loving and compassionate ways.

God we pray for peace in this world and that all anger, hatred, and violence may cease and all the emotions that go with this warlike behavior.

God we pray for all of us who continue to grieve and who are at the various stages of grief's long journey.

God we pray for healing of all who are ill and  continued health of our bodies, minds, and spirts. We pray for healthy emotional and spiritual health.

God we pray for our family members who are in need of  food, clothing, shelter, medical and mental health care.

God we pray for all who are victims of human trafficking at home and abroad and especially in ISIS and Boko Haram held territories.

God we pray for all firefighters, police, and emergency rescue personnel. We pray especially for all who are fighting all the many fires in drought parched areas of our country.

God we pray for this night for all who are traveling that they may be protected from harm. We pray that everyone who is a driver will put down their cell phones.

God we pray and give thanks  for____________________________

God we pray for this night for the aid and social justice agencies of our choice______________

Accept these our prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear and Beloved Ones! I love you! Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! Take time make tomorrow and every day Love Day! Tell everyone close to you that you love them. Show kindness to all.
Today and always let love, kindness, gratitude, and mercy be you watchwords !
I give thanks to God for you this night and always.

With love and joy from my heart home to yours!

A little more Nightnoise-Shadow of Time ! Enjoy!

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