Monday, August 10, 2015

Remembering Ferguson and Who we are, Whose we are, and a few Would I/You questions.

Dear Family of  Love,

I hope all of you had a wonderful You Matter Monday! I did ! Today we were reminded yet again that #AllLivesMatter and we still have miles to go before we are truly united with one another in peace, harmony, and as the beautiful Children of God we were made to be.  I don't know how you feel about all of this senseless violence that keeps happening each and every day all over the world and in our cities and in some cases our own families? It is making my heart and my heart home sad, mad, angry, and at time it feels as thought it has become shredded into shards of glass. We all need to remember first and foremost we belong to a loving creator who wants us to be at peace and peacemakers one to another. We belong to this loving creator 24/7/365 and into infinity and the Thin Places. Sometimes we may not feel God with us but God is! We must continually keep listening, praying and connecting with God. God is in our heartbeats, breathing, footsteps, in the air that we breath, in the food that we eat, in the water we drink, in the sun that lights our path and warms us when we are cold, and when we cry, laugh, dance, be joyful, and love each other. God is all in all and we cannot escape God's abiding care and love for one another. We must must always remember Ferguson and all Fergusons  in our world and in our nation. We must always remember who we are and whose we are and never forget that God created us out of the same matter that he made Cecil the Lion and yes even Stardust.  This afternoon I came upon the Verse of the Day from Sojourner's and it gave me cause for pause and it reminded me further that we should meditate on a few Would I/You questions and here they are:

This was the Verse of the Day from Sojourners:

But a Samaritan while travelling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity.
- Luke 10:33 

This made me ask the following questions using the words "Would you/I?" ‪#‎AllLivesMatter‬

Would you/I accept help from a Muslim, LGBTQ, African American, Latino , or anyone who differs from you/us?

Would you/I welcome the above into your family, faith community as a visitor, neighborhood, and show them/ us radical hospitality and love?

Would you/I accept a blood or organ donation from any of the above persons?

Would you/ I be able if We/I were in their neighborhood to go and knock on the door for help?

Would you/I turn y/our/my back on the above family members if they were on the side of the road?

Finally, what kind of Samaritan are you or am I?

God we give thanks to you who challenges us each day to be better than we are.

Challenge us God so that we may be changed fully into your loving likenesss.

Challenge us we pray O God to rise and speak for the voiceless ones.

Challenge us we pray O God,  to Open our hearts wider to make more room for more family members in our heart homes.

Challenge us we pray O God,  to take risks  and serve you each and every day in your kingdom. 

Challenge us we pray O God,  to make peace with our personal enemies and those who wish us harm. We pray that we may love them as you have taught us to love.

Challenge us  we pray O God each day to love the unlovable and the least of these and come to their aid as the Good Samaritan did.

Challenge us  we pray O God,  to make the world in which you have entrusted to us safer, peaceful, cleaner, and may we honor and conserve your Cathedral of Life.

Challenge  us we pray O God, to seek out the lonely, lost, and all  of the marginalized and most vulnerable.

Challenge us we pray O God, to remember Ferguson and all places of violence and pray for an end to violence of any kind.  

Challenge us we pray  O God, to care for each other as we grieve together and alone the loss of loved ones and friends. 

Challenge us we pray O Jesus to keep on the path you have set for us and think what you would have us do and that the answers to the Would you/I questions would be a resounding "Yes!" and that we would be truly Good Samaritans who wouldn't pass anyone by on the road. We lift up these our prayers in your most Holy Name. Amen. 


Good Night Beloved Family Members! I love you ! You Matter! I give thanks to God for you this day and always!

With love and arms stretched wide to embrace each of you as I enfold you continually in my heart home,


P.S. I posted this earlier on FB.
Remembering 3 years ago today, Steve was beginning to transition into the Thin Places. I was preparing for the loss of the one great love of my life. Today I feel his presence and love like I always do along with my numerous departed family members. I do get wistful from time to time but I am forever grateful to Steve and all my lovies who live in my heart-home and Thin Places. I'm not sad! I'm alive and loving the life I live I'm loving each one of you as I hold you close in my heart home and give thanks to God for your presence in my life. You Matter no Matter What. Celebrate each day that God or whatever is your higher power of strength and comfort has given you. I'm reminded each day of a phrase that one of my family friends had posted on his dear departed wife's headstone "Love means never having to say goodbye" BTW Have I told you lately that I love you? I love you and that's a forever lock that goes deep to the heart of the matter and also felt at the body, mind, and spirit, level.

Richard Shulman - Marvelous Mandalas

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