Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Making connections with God! You never know what God will tell you in the beauty of a sunset!

Good Evening Family of Love!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Take Care Tuesday! Tonight's prayer walk was amazing ! God has the Holy Paintbrush out again and it is glorious to see. You could feel God's Love Energy tonight enfolding the world and all of us. God is always enfolding the world with love, all we need to do is to allow God in and get ourselves out of the way. We need to take time to get away from ourselves and go deeper into our inner beings. How do we do this? By taking more time to go off the grid and enjoy God's Cathedral of Life! We all need to go outside and enjoy the feeling of the sunshine, the breezes, and the smell of nature and the many kinds of flowers. We can do this anywhere! I like the beach and the smell of sea air. Pick a location to go on retreat and go and be at one with God in nature and in God's presence wherever you are! Tonight let us sit quietly in quiet contemplation for as long as you'd like and then.
 Take time to feel:
God's presence.
God enfolding you! 
God loving you! 
God consoling us if we are grieving, 
God taking away all the worry, 
God saying "Come to me and rest!", 
God speaking in that wonderful "Still small voice of Calm" and reassurance, 
God giving us guidance as to our future paths. Sit back relax and be at one with God! 

Tonight's musical selection comes from: Spanish Angel- Paul Winter

God we long to be in your presence and sit at your feet an learn how to be better at being your children.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long to live in a world where we can lovingly enfold all of your children and yes even our enemies and those who wish to do us harm.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long to feel your love, yet we know that you are loving us even when we don't feel it.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long for you to take away the pain and feel your consoling grace that some of us feel while we grieve and mourn any loss.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long to have you erase every worry we may have so that we may feel free of un-ease.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long for peace in our minds and this broken and fragile world.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long to live in a united world with love, mercy , and understanding.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long for an end to homelessness, hunger, and family members who do not have adequate clothing.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long for an end to all violence, abuse, injustice, terror, and human trafficking.
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we long for cures of the many illnesses that plague us and we pray especially for those who are ill remembering especially_______________________
We pray this with love in our hearts and quiet minds.

God we pray these prayers in the longing of our hearts in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Take care tonight and always. I give God thanks for you this night and always.

With love, prayers, and blessings,


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