Wednesday, August 19, 2015

This Week Let's Talk About Health and Wellness Of Our Bodies, Minds, and Spirits ! Tonight we get to talk about our minds and why they matter

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday. Tonight as part of our health and wellness series we are going to talk about our minds and why they matter. That means lets put our thinking caps on and get ready to think with an open mind.  Let's begin to imagine what it would be like if we didn't have a brain and a mind. Not easy isn't it? Our brains and minds are our body's and soul's supercomputer and creativity factory. When God called me to write this blog about 2 years ago I couldn't imagine how I would do this let alone create these daily spiritual works of art on a daily basis.  In order for us to live we must use our minds and keep them active and alert. Our neurons need exercise just like our bodies. There's lots to do with the space between our ears. I'm not into mind games but I'm into mind enrichment. What do you like to do with your minds to keep them alive and functioning? Let's make our own list! God wants us to use our minds fully and not be brainwashed by other people trying to sell us snake oil. Thinking and mind usage are gifts that God has given us. Without them we would still be functioning in the Stone Age and there would be no words of Scripture that you can hold daily in your hands. Tonight let's think outside the box and go deeper with God and settle in and meditate on our God who is larger than we are. God is the God who created every one of us on the planet and yes allowed for many faith communities that weren't all Christian, That  God is 1000 years ahead of us each and everyday. Speaking of God being a 1000 years ahead of us that must mean God is bigger, his mercy is wider, and yes things we grapple with each day are a non-issue. I would think that by now we would have learned that yes dinosaurs walked the earth, native and indigenous family members crossed the Bering Sea and made their way to a whole new world without GPS and Telestar, that there might be other life forms and people somewhere else in the universe that need God's love and care, and finally that we need to understand that LoveEnergy drives the planet and the universe. Remember it isn't all about us it is about God, God's love, God's Family, God's creation, God's mercy, and God's undeniable grace and justice that we need to wrap our minds and hearts around. So let's begin with our Walk With Me On Our Journey Mindfulness exercises. 

Tonight we are going to go back and do the old Walk With Me On Our Journey Mindfulness exercises. It is simply this we start with our breathing exercises using this format:

Inhale the Holy Spirit.
Exhale Love.

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Now repeat the following 3 times;

Be Still and Know That I am God.
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Now get out some kind of timer, mindfulness app, or music and set them for 5 minutes. Then close your eyes and be silent. If the music goes long don't worry that will lead you into our time of prayer and thanksgiving. 

Classics for Focus 100 videos

Before we go into prayer and thanksgiving take time to pray the words of this hymn:

 We limit not the truth of God by George Rawson
1 We limit not the truth of God
to our poor reach of mind,
to notions of our day and place,
crude, partial, and confined:
No, let a new and better hope
within our hearts be stirred:
O God, grant yet more light and truth
to break forth from your Word.

2 Who dares to bind to one's own sense
the oracles of heaven,
for all the nations, tongues, and climes
and all the ages given?
That universe, how much unknown!
that ocean unexplored!
O God, grant yet more light and truth
to break forth from your Word.

3 Eternal God, incarnate Word,
Spirit of flame and dove:
enlarge, expand all living souls
to comprehend your love;
And help us all to seek your will
with wiser powers conferred:
O God, grant yet more light and truth
to break forth from your Word.

Source: The New Century Hymnal #316

Can you see how and why our minds matter? God Made them that way and with loving hands.Use your minds widely, wisely, and creatively!


God challenge our minds to go beyond the workaday realm to see your grand plan for us.

God challenge our minds and hearts to let go of misconceptions and things that we don't understand.

God challenge us each day we live to keep exercising our bodies, minds, and spirits, to your honor and glory.

God challenge our minds so that we may come up with ways to be peacemakers and family members to a fragile and broken world..

God challenge us to think outside the box in order to help you create a sustainable and livable planet.

God challenge us to come to know the loving, accepting, and merciful God you truly are and not the God who rains down fire and brimstone.

God challenge us to become caregivers to all of our family members who are the least of these.

God challenge us to serve you in new and exciting ways.

God we pray for this night especially for_________________________

God we give thanks this night for_______________________________

For our final prayer this night we pray:

32. For the Good Use of Leisure - From the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER

O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of
refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our
leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our
spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Take time to rest your bodies, minds, and spirits. Go off the grid early and get acquainted with silence and the dark.  I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

With love, blessings, and a whole lot of hugs!


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