Sunday, August 2, 2015

Taking time away from the grid and devices to dial in with God and ourselves in quiet contemplation.

Dear Family of  Love!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Are you rested, relaxed, refreshed, and renewed and ready for another new week? I hope so! This week's challenge is to take a block of time each day for yourself. This time will be solely dedicated to you. During this time we will go off the grid and and just breathe. Jesus would have been horrified to have all these techie devices when He was calling his disciples. So our time off the grid means no phone, tablet, Nook, Kindle, PC, Mac, iPad etc.  Our prayer time and prayer walking may include times without these devices without pictures and music. We need to spend time away from our dependence upon these devices and focus our dependence and interdependence upon God  and nature. So tonight we won't have any music and will spend time in quiet contemplation. Take time to design your own plan and how this will look like to you. If you are uncomfortable about being quiet for an extended period of time start off by slowly adding time.  Take time to breathe and feel yourself relaxing. When you are ready start being aware of what this time of silence feels like and what you are hearing. Did I mention that we don't get to read books or printed material during this period? We need to be focused on the silence, being relaxed, and being connected with God and our inner being! This period of time is designed to Stop The Glorification of Busy! We all have to tell our significant others and family members who live with us that we aren't going to answer our phones and won't be connected during this time. We must ask our family members to respect this time of quiet contemplation. 

Time to begin!

Breathe in the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Breathe in the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Breathe in the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Be Still and Know that I am God
Be Still and Know
Be Still

Resources that may be of help to you!

10 Relaxation techniques -WebMD
Mindfulness Exercises


God help us to lay down our technological devices  so that we may connect with you

God help us to not rush through our meditation time just because we feel uncomfortable.

God we pray for all of our family members and caregivers who are in need of quiet time  and respite.

God we pray that this our time of quiet contemplation will be like finding living waters within us so that we may be renewed and relaxed. 

God we pray that we may be able to enjoy our own company in the peace  you have given us.

God we pray for all who are newly grieving that they may slowly be able to appreciate the silence and draw closer to you and not to fear the quiet.

God we pray for in the quiet of our hearts for _________________________________________

God we pray for peace in the world and that hearts that have been filled with anger, hatred, rancor, and disunion may be quieted by your . peace, grace, mercy, and love.

We pray these our prayers in the quiet of our hearts and in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dearly loved family members. I love you and give God thanks for you this day and always. Tomorrow is the First You Matter Monday of August. You Matter!

With love from the quiet of my being to yours,


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