Thursday, August 20, 2015

This Week Let's Talk about Health and Wellness: Our bodies, minds, and spirits. Tonight we center on how having a positive outlook on life can help you thrive and be alive.

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. I hope everyone put on an attitude of gratitude and tried to foster a positive outlook on life today. I know it isn't easy but striking a positive chord in one's life can be the one thing that will give you energy and a healthy mindset. Our bodies, minds, and spirits thrive on positive energy and not negative. We can see this daily when we read posts on FB and Tweets on Twitter. Take a moment away from this blog and scroll down posts and tweets and see how you react at the heart home and gut level. Before you come back do our mindfulness exercises it will help you prepare for our extended meditation time to consider the tail end title of tonight's blog; Tonight we center on how having a positive outlook on life can help you thrive and be alive. This isn't a how to but an extended meditation we do on our own. We will put the pieces together later this week. 

It is simply this we start with our breathing exercises using this format:

Inhale the Holy Spirit.
Exhale Love.

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Now repeat the following 3 times;

Be Still and Know That I am God.
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Now get out some kind of timer, mindfulness app, or music and set them for 5 minutes. Then close your eyes and be silent. If the music goes long don't worry that will lead you into our time of extended meditation:

African Voices

Let us begin to center in on how we can change our sometimes negative and edgy attitudes in to a life giving and thriving positive ones. 

What parts of our lives do we want to change?

What creates the negative and edgy attitudes with in us?

How can we change these out for better and healthier attitudes?

What role does God play in all of this? 

These are our questions to ponder. These are for you to answer as we pray the questions and pause for silent reflection and work on our inner being reflections.

God help us we pray to go deeper and seek out the parts of our lives we want to change. 

God help us we pray to find help when we need it for our bodies, minds, and spirits.

God help us we pray to rid ourselves of negativity and edgy attitudes that are infecting our inner beings.

God help us to make the necessary changes so that we may have better and healthier attitudes.

God help us to rely on you more fully and seek out the path that leads to you and that we may find ourselves returning to you in peace and contemplation. 

God help us we pray for a better outlook centered around love, joy, hope, mercy, and kindness.

God help us we pray when we find our selves going down the rabbit hole of despair to find you right beside us.

God help us  we pray to put on attitudes of gratitude that are life giving and harnessed by your Love Energy.

God help us we pray to not to take life so seriously that we forget to have fun and times of wonder.

God help us we pray to continue to let go of all that is causing our bodies,minds, and spirits to become rusty and unhealthy.

God help us to see good in bad situations.

God help us we pray to seek you and find you when we find our mental moods become gloomy.

God help us we pray to be at prayer when things get rough and the first thing we wear in the morning is a smile.

God help us to become friends with all our family members and show them love, encouragement, and kindness.

God help us we pray that we may become a soft place in which to fall so that our family members will know that we are safe harbors of comfort.

God help us we pray to go deeper in the silence to seek you and begin re-shaping our lives into positive, life giving and thriving.

God let us now enter into final prayers  in silence with you and that we may offer our prayers in the name of Jesus.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Tonight we begin to take time to unwind and prepare for our Self and Sabbath Care Weekend.  Tomorrow is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting. I give thanks to God for you this night and always.

With love and lots of Love Energy from my heart and my heart home to yours,


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