Saturday, August 22, 2015

This Week Let's Talk About Health and Wellness: Our Bodies, Minds, and Spirits. Simple things you can do to combine all three.

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Self and Sabbath Care Weekend! I hope you all are taking time for self and Sabbath care today. If you aren't, why not? This week we have been talking about health and wellness, and if you haven't learned how important it is by now we may have to provide you with periodic refresher courses. Health and wellness is extremely important for all of our bodies, minds, and spirits. We can't be the children of God without it. Here are my simple steps that all of us can use each day of the week to create harmony and health in our lives. For those of you who do not know, here at Walk With Me On Our Journey we have specific names for each day of the week and we consider everyday a holy day and that everything is holy. So let's begin:

Monday- You Matter Monday
Take time to start the week out right by being kind to yourselves.
Practice loving yourself.
Do a mediation of your choice.
Practice our Mindfulness exercises and breathing:
. It is simply this we start with our breathing exercises using this format:

Inhale the Holy Spirit.
Exhale Love.

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Now repeat the following 3 times;

Be Still and Know That I am God.
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Now get out some kind of timer, mindfulness app, or music and set them for 5 minutes when you begin. Then close your eyes and be silent. If the music goes long don't worry that will lead you into our time of prayer and thanksgiving. 

Go for a walk if your body is telling you to do so.
Exercise your mind.

Tuesday- Take Care Tuesday
Take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual selves. Take time to care for yourself and others.
Allow for more rest, relaxation, and renewal.
Use any of the above.

Wednesday : Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday.
This day is to get ourselves out into God's Cathedral of Life and seek out the wonder and mystery of creation, the environment. 
Take your children and grand children to the park, beach, or zoo to see these places of wonder and amazement. Hint you can take yourselves there by yourselves too. If your soul and mind likes art, music, and theater these can be places of wonder too.
Go outside and breathe and pray. Prayer walking can help you find wonder too.

Thursday: Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday.
This day is all about mindful intentionality and gratitude. Putting on our attitudes of gratitude and random acts of kindness. Remember these are daily acts too. Think of  Maunday Thursday, Thanksgiving day, and Ascension Day. 3 key holy days that are celebrated on Thursdays. 
Do something radical in the Love Energy department. 
Begin to prepare for the weekend by unwinding and de-stressing! 

Friday: Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting.
Let go of the week's garbage.
Practice using a Worry/ Sabbath Jar that we should be using daily and not just Fridays. Place your worries, anxieties, fears, mads, your anger fits, on pieces of paper and place them in the jar until Monday evening. Do not look at them.
Enter and go deeper with God as we do every evening but this time be in real conversation and listening time. 
Begin going of the grid for a space.
This is Self and Sabbath Care Weekend Eve.

Saturday: Self-Care Saturday
Take time for self-care and being kind to your bodies, minds, and spirits.
This is your spa day- Just for you. Tell your family you are going to go off the grid and spend time with yourself. 
This is a retreat day: Walk a Labyrinth, Stations of the Cross, prayer walk or meditate in silence.

Sunday: Sabbath Care Day;
Worship God.
Rest with God.
Don't do any measurable work.
Enact your own set of Blue Laws. 
Go on over to the other side of the lake to rest and pray.
Visit a quiet and restful setting that will refresh you.
Don't forget to spend time with your family members.

Daily: Pray, Meditate, Walk, Enter into measurable silence, read some spiritual tome, Make each day include lots of Love Energy, Expansion of  our Heart homes, serving the least of these, and becoming more and more united with our family members we may not like in love and charity. Each day let Love, Hope, Peace, Joy, Justice, Mercy, Kindness and Inclusion be our watchwords. 

So there you have it our simple thinks we can do to combine all three.  Tonight we will use our breathing exercises with a musical selection and then enter into prayer.

Ludovico Einaudi -In a time lapse

Richard Shulman -Open Spaces

God we thank you for making each and everyday holy. 

God we pray that we may enter into a time of preparation to worship you in your sanctuary both indoors and outside in your Cathedral of Life.

God we pray that we may take time to breathe in your life giving and sustaining Holy Spirit.

God we pray for all the firefighters and a cessation of all the wildfires around the world and in our state.

God we pray for rain to heal the drought parched areas of our world and especially in California.

God we pray for peace in the world. Help us to set a good and loving example by loving everyone without judgement.

God we pray for the healing of everyone's bodies, minds, and spirits. We pray for all the caregivers who minister to their needs.

God we pray for all of our family members who are going back to school.

God we pray for ___________________________

God we pray for all faith communities around the world that we may learn to love each other with open minds and hearts. We pray for all leaders of  the many faith communities who are in preparation for the week's worship.

God we give thanks for______________________

God we pray that we may lay down and take our rest and abide in your loving and gentle arms. 

We lift up these our prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Take time for self-care if you haven't already. Make every day that you live count and filled with empowering LoveEnergy. I give God thanks for you this night and always.

With Love, 


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