Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Using our Mad Muscles for Good, knowing that God is always Good!

Dear Family of Love and God!

I hope everyone had a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday! But before we talk and do our Wednesday Self-Care and Every Day is Holy Guide we need to talk about the events of the day.
It seems as though every Wednesday we wake up and find another senseless and unfathomable tragedy has visited our nation via  TVs, Computers, and Radios. These tragedies such as the shooting of the reporters in Roanoke  Virginia and the attempted terror plot that was foiled on the train in France, I must admit fully and honestly are rattling my nerves and making me mad and yes even a little angry. I even grit my teeth! God calls us to love and be kind to one another and not act out in these violent and reprehensible ways. God tells us that we can be angry and not sin and not to let the Sun go down on our wrath. These are easier said than done. I suggest we use our mad muscles for good and knowing that God is always Good.  What are mad muscles you ask? They are those negative energies that do not make our lives happy, healthy, and holy. What if we used our mad muscle energies to tap into our Heart Homes with Love Energy? It's that old community organizing rule of  pushing a negative hard enough to make a positive So let's start pushing and seek to do good and in a positive and loving way. Here are ways to transfer our mad muscles into good ones:

Feeling like gritting your teeth? Smile and put on happy and loving eyes to reflect God and God's light.

Feeling like wanting to punch someone out? Use our mindfulness exercises and count to ten.

Feeling like saying, posting, and tweeting something unkind and taking the road down to trolldom?
Think of using these muscles to fight injustice, be a social justice fighter, and also don't be tricked into playing the games of negative haters.

Feeling like wanting to hate someone just because you can? Don't !!!!!!! Do good to those who hate you ! LOVE THEM! LOVE YOURSELF!!! LOVE GOD!!!!!! No excuses!

Feeling like using your Mad Muscles? When you do switch them to the Kind and Loving Muscles and turn on the Light Shining, God Reflecting, and Peace Making ingredients of  Love and Love Energy.

How can you use your Mad Muscles for Good?

Now let s turn our focus to our Walk With Me On Our Journey Self-Care Guide for Wednesday !

Wednesday : Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday.
This day is to get ourselves out into God's Cathedral of Life and seek out the wonder and mystery of creation, the environment. 
Take your children and grand children to the park, beach, or zoo to see these places of wonder and amazement. Hint you can take yourselves there by yourselves too. If your soul and mind likes art, music, and theater these can be places of wonder too.
Go outside and breathe and pray. Prayer walking can help you find wonder too.

Tonight and every night let us also add our basics from You Matter Monday:

Take time to start the week out right by being kind to yourselves.
Practice loving yourself.
Do a mediation of your choice.
Go for a walk if your body is telling you to do so.
Exercise your mind.

Practice our Mindfulness exercises and breathing:
. It is simply this we start with our breathing exercises using this format:

Inhale the Holy Spirit.
Exhale Love.

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Now repeat the following 3 times;

Be Still and Know That I am God.
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Now get out some kind of timer, mindfulness app, or music and set them for 5 minutes when you begin. Then close your eyes and be silent. If the music goes long don't worry that will lead you into our time of prayer and thanksgiving. 

Tonight's Musical Selection is this: Be Thou My Vision-Sacred Music of John Rutter 


God we pray that when we find our self in those moments where our mad muscles are being flexed that we may draw ever near to you and come to you for help that we may find positive ways to use these energies.

God we pray that each time we see, hear, and read about acts of terror and violence we will immediately pray and not all these grating emotions take hold. 

God we pray this nigh for an end to all kinds of violence and hatred. We pray that love and love energy will replace all these terrible and gut wrenching acts that serve no one.

God we pray for peace int this world. We pray that we may courageously be agents of change and speak truth to power and be a voice for the voiceless.

God we know that throughout all ages there hasn't been anything new under the sun in the infighting of division tribes, races, clans, and all peoples we pray that divisions may  cease and that we may be truly one and that we will learn to love one another. 

God we pray for all of our family members who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. We pray that we may lovingly attend to their needs.

God we pray for the conservation of  your Cathedral of life. 

God we pray and give thanks for____________________________

We lift up these our prayers in the Name of your Son Jesus. Amen. 


Good Night Dear Ones! I can't believe that tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Take time to get out your gratitude jar and count your abundant blessings!  I love you and give God Thanks for you this day and always. 

With Love, Love Energy from an ever expanding heart home,


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