Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sometimes we all need to vent in order to have healthy spiritual, emotional, and physical lives. Coca Cola Bottling it up is not encouraged! A reprint and expansion from today's FB post!

Dear Family of Love!

Happy Self and Sabbath Care Weekend! Today I had many feelings of unease and vented in a post on FB which many of you may have already seen. I will reprint and post for our family members who haven't. Sometimes we all need to vent in order to have healthy spiritual, emotional, and physical lives. Coca Cola Bottling is not encouraged. 

Here is the post that I wrote earlier today, I have since learned that Jericho the lion is alive but that doesn't lessen the need to stop poaching and killing our animal brothers and sisters for sport.


Dear Family of Love! 

Today I'm not happy and as part of good self-care I'm going to vent! This may or may not be directed towards you so please do not take it personally. First let me tell you that I love you and give God thanks for you daily! Okay, here is what I'm not happy about: I'm not happy about how we are treating and caring for one another. I'm not happy about all the endless attacks and misinformation regarding those of us in the LGBTQ community. I'm not happy about God's beautiful creatures being killed for sport! We just lost our brother Jericho the Lion and Cecil his brother and ours to senseless killing, Remember we are not only family to humans but to all of God's Animal Kingdom of which we are a part of. I'm not happy about the way our president is being disrespected just because he's African American! I'm not happy that many of you post things about President Obama being Muslim. What difference would it make ? Muslims pray 5 times a day and are good people! They follow 5 Pillars and here they are:
The 'Five Pillars' of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life:

Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;
Establishment of the daily prayers;
Concern for and almsgiving to the needy;
Self-purification through fasting; and
The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.

 What if our president were Caucasian and a Muslim? What difference would it make? I'm not happy about endless acts of violence against Women, Children, LGBT, African-Americans, Latinos, Animals, etc. I'm not happy about the senseless violence that is being lodged at the Palestinians by a Israel who should know better. Daily killing of the innocents is almost more than I can bear.I'm not happy that we do not do our homework before posting bogus news reports. I'm not happy about the misinformation regarding the 1st Amendment of the Constitution! I'm not happy about the need to be right all the time just to prove a point. I'm not happy about the way we as supposed Christians treat one another in the Name of Christ. I'm not happy that we have a drought and I pray for rain! 

So what am I happy about? I'm happy that God loves all of us unconditionally without bias and partiality. I'm happy that I get to write Walk With Me On Our Journey ! I'm happy that I finally can live authentically without fear. I'm happy that Jesus is our role model and teaches us many things daily. I'm happy that I'm an Episcopalian. I'm happy that Barack Obama is our President. I'm Happy that I'm what our Presiding -Bishop -elect Michael Curry calls a "Crazy Christian!" I'm happy that Bishop Steven Charleston is kin to me. I'm happy that Susan Russell is my sister-in-Christ, I'm happy that Alla Bozarth is my new friend on FB. I'm happy that I have faithful re-Tweeters on Twitter and I give thanks for Ian Buchanan, Kelly and Annie, Sonia Rojas, Julia Ann Reynold, S.J. Reidhead, Steve Lee Sr. , and Jessica Lynn who are spreading the word about Walk With Me On Our Journey.  I'm happy that you are my family and I wish I could tag each of you! Again! I love you!


So there you have it! Is there something that you aren't happy about? Please vent on a piece of paper or Word document as part of our meditation time. After you do this then add what you are happy about!   Take your time! Then return for prayer.  Here is the featured music for meditation: 
The Standing Stones of Callanish - Jon Mark

God help us to channel our emotions in a positive and life giving way.

God we thank you for giving us the courage to safely vent when we need to.

God we pray for all of  the concerns that make us unhappy.

God we pray for all of our family members who are in need of prayer this night remembering______________

God we pray for all the leaders of the nations that they may be led to make peace and provide for their citizens and the strangers in their midst.

God we pray for calm hearts and empowered spirits.

God we pray for the least of these that they may find safe shelter, nourishing food, and warm and comfortable clothing.

God we pray for an end to all forms of violence.

God we pray that we may do justly, love mercy, and may humbly walk with you O God.

God we pray that we may always remember that we are also members of the animal kingdom and must lovingly care for all animals and the endangered species. 

God we pray for right conservation of God's Cathedral of Life.

God we pray for all religious leaders who are leading and preparing for worship this weekend. and we pray for all faith communities who make up our family of love.

God we pray for the LGBTQ, Latino, African American, Islamic, Marginalized, and Invisible communities that have been victims of oppression and all victims of oppression. 

God we pray for all of our family members who are ill in body, mind, and spirit remembering especially__________________.

God we pray for the many gifts you give us. May we not squander them.

God we pray this: The Light of Christ in Me Recognizes the Light of Christ In you! May we continue to be reflections of you and your love to our family members whether they be friends, enemies, or strangers.

God we lift up these our prayers to Jesus ! Amen.

We also offer our prayers on this the feast day of Joseph of Arimathaea

Merciful God, whose servant Joseph of Arimathaea with reverence and godly fear prepared the body of our Lord and Savior for burial, and laid it in his own tomb: Grant to us, your faithful people, grace and courage to love and serve Jesus with sincere devotion all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you ! May you find rest and calm for your souls this night. 

With love,



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