Friday, November 22, 2013

Are you having any fun? Yes, I mean fun!

Dear Family On our Journey!

Now that's better! A walk will do you good and more! It was nice to get out and walk all bundled up with four layers! These past few days I have been giving a lot of thought about our lives and what we adults have trouble doing. We have trouble having FUN! Yes, FUN! Fun = Fabulous unbridled nonsense! Have you set your daily GPS to include fun and getting together and just being one of the boys, girls, group, or yourself? Are you caught between home and work and don't know how to balance your responsibilities and life?
Are you in a leadership role that makes you an outcast, micro-manager, or control freak and when you get into a group of any kind find that you cannot relax and just be? Do you find that with added responsibilities and more on the proverbial serving platter that you are more introverted, isolated, and not being mindful of others?  If you have answered Yes to any of the above then you my dear family member have a problem and that is called DOING ! Having doing is not bad but we need to balance it out with the following steps:

If you are reading this Good! 
Stop being on the computer and go out and look at the sky and inhale the cool November air!
Find old Bill Cosby skits on You Tube!
Laughter is the best medicine not just in "Reader's Digest"
Take a walk, go for a swim, lift weights! Anything that will get those endorphins flowing!
Find a group that isn't affiliated with your job or your ministry!
If you are  a woman, no need to be one of the Boys all the time! 
Learn how to have fun! Let your self go! Relax, refresh, renew, re-energize !
Go on the swings, slide down a slide, do leaf angels in the park, snow angels if it is snowing! 
Climb a tree, a hill, go fishing!
What is on your life list (Bucket List)?
Get a bunch of funny videos that will make you laugh!
Open your blinds! Don't close yourself off from the world at work! If you have windows and the blinds are closed ! Open them! Get ventilation into your offices, lungs, and places of work or ministry.
Delegate things out!
Ask God for help in learning how to have fun, joy, and get out of the rut you are in! 
That is this weekend's opportunity! Learn how to have fun before Thanksgiving! It will help with all the stresses and family dynamics! Bring something fun to do at a family gathering!  Or have a clown nose to put on when you have a moment!

Get or learn a new hobby! 
Play in the Sprinklers!

Don't forget to connect to God and God's Creation when you are having fun! That's when God may tell you and show you many things! Do you want to know how I know this? I do, because God has shown me and guided me on my path while I walk with Him and you on our Journey! Even when I am sick and now better!

Well lovies that's all for now! I did carry you and your prayer requests in my heart this day and on our journey! I love you, you matter, I call you friend and family member! Keep the faith! Rest, relax, refresh, re-energize and renew!

Love and peace of mind!


Comedy Tonight 

The Pet Department- James Thurber

Bill Cosby -Noah

I love to Laugh - Mary Poppins

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