Monday, November 25, 2013

Prayer Walking with the sounds of Paul Winter "Journey With the Sun"

Good Evening Dear Family,

I hope you all have had a good day! Well, I finally got the turkey and the Thanksgiving Dinner makings! That's done now to work on my house! We aren't eating here but it needs work.  How many of you have that feeling of overwhelm so far? I'll bet many of you do! I was glad to get out and walk this evening and feel the cool air. I am a big fan of Paul Winter and walked to his "Journey with the Sun". What a wonderful album. Soothing and not at all morose. Remember when I wrote a few months ago about selecting music? This is that time of the year when this is critical for your mood and sanity. I suggest if you are grieving to stay away from the sentimental stuff. I am fond Christmas music after my birthday in small doses. It kind of is the half way point in Advent so it doesn't get crazy!

Here are a few handy pointers to avoid overwhelm:
Take time for laughter! 
Take a drive out to the country, beach, mall, or any place of your choosing!
See a movie!
Have a date night!
Decorate simply!
Forget the fancy! Keep it simple!
Don't feel as thought you have to do it all! Delegate and ask for help! 
Take a walk!  Or what ever is in your physical fitness routine!
Walk the dog if you have a dog!
Take time to pray!
Play music, Dance, Sing!
Do what ever makes you happy and content!
Live, love, laugh!
Don't just do ! Just Be!

Have a happy night! I love you! Please keep those prayer requests coming! I love to pray your prayer requests while I walk on our journey!

Love and peace of mind!


Paul Winter Journey With the Sun

1 comment:

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