Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Walking on a Crisp Evening! Some things to keep in mind!

Dearest Family on Our Journey!

It was a crisp evening to walk and the town was busy with shoppers getting their  provisions for Thanksgiving. I was amazed that Shaw's Steakhouse was packed and the Pantry on Park wasn't. I guess people wanted steak before they have all that turkey. Tonight's prayer focus was  praying for all those who travel, even if it is only down the street. If you have an elderly friend or family member who matters to you this season please consider driving them. It is too busy a season for the elderly to be out driving. 

Things to keep in mind this season!

Let's keep an eye open for all those who are in need.
Don't forget the Salvation Army Red Kettles!
Go through your closets and garages and get rid of stuff.
Have an extra warm coat give it away coat drives are happening
Be mindful of those who are alone and those who are still grieving. A cup of kindness can go a long way.
Turn off your phone in the car!
Make your car a distracted driving free zone! Keep your eyes on the road.
Open your home to single people who may not have a place to go.
Keep healthy, get rest, and don't overdo. If you have a compromised immune system watch those crowds!
Designate a driver if you should decide to imbibe. Better yet have a party at home!
Take time to pray and meditate!
Go outside if weather permits!
Check in to your place of worship if you haven't done so lately. Don't just make it a twice yearly (Christmas and Easter) affair. God wants to see you be with your family.
Remember all the various charities that need donations !  I have a few and I will put together a list that could benefit by your donations and prayers. Many churches have alternative Christmas Markets.
Those are just a few suggestions.

I give God Thanks for you and love you from the deepest part of my heart. You matter to me and I treasure you all my dearest family. I carried you and your prayer requests in my heart as always!

With Love and Thanksgiving!


All you need is love -Beatles

Imagine John Lennon

Let it Be -Beatles

Across the Universe -Beatles

1 comment:

  1. Walking is the main key to a healthy life. Walking alone sometimes become tough to elderly people. An old man with the perfect walking aids can make the journey easy with himself. So walking sticks and other accessories are nowadays very much appreciated.
