Friday, November 1, 2013

Celebrating Family and Feel the Love Friday

Good Evening Dear Family on our Journey!

It was a great and glorious time to be out on our prayer walk tonight. We are so blessed most evenings here in Santa Maria to be able to go for walks not having to be bundled up like the Michelin Man. Tonight it was a balmy 68 degrees when I started. Not bad for the First Friday in November and no shirt or jacket sleeves either The title of this blog is about celebrating family and feeling the love of others today. Those of you who Tweet know that today is #FF Follow Friday, I decided to make my own  #FF- Family Friday or Feel the love Friday. I love to celebrate our family everyday and especially on Fridays because that is when our prayer walks began and we folded in as family in both the Twitterverse and in Facebookia or our Cyber Family. I give thanks to God for you everyday and the opportunity to pray your prayer requests. I try not to miss telling you that I love you and hope you feel it because, we all need to feel loved, treasured, respected, and accepted where we are and as we are. I hope you have that here always. Cyberspace and social media can be a lonely place if you let it. I choose to make it a place where our family keeps blooming and expanding with love and understanding. This weekend begin making a list of things that you have to celebrate and make and take time to do just that. Celebrate with joy, love, laughter and all around good fun. This is that time of year when those of us who are grieving may become depressed. If you know someone like me remember we like to be included in things too. We may not say anything. As is my habit because I was taught by my dearly departed mother not to ask people for things which extended to getting together with people. That is why on a Friday Night I'm writing this blog and spending time with you my Family on the journey. I want to let you in on a little secret......Pssst.......I like it that way and I love praying, walking and being there for you! This is your soft place to fall and have comfort and love shown to you.  There is this guy who used to live on our block before his house was burned in a fire a few weeks ago who keeps  trying to hit on me. Trust me he is not my type! I know my type and dear ones and he isn't it. God will let me know when it it is time to pursue someone new . I choose to walk, pray, and blog and share my time with you  everyday and celebrate our life on our journey together. This is the best date night bar none! I love you and hope that you feel it from the top of your head to your tippy toes and all places in between but most especially in your heart. Good Night My loves!

Love and peace of mind and  Joy abounding!


Hakuna Matata

You've got a friend in me- Brian Wilson 

We are a Couple of Swells


You're the Top

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