Saturday, November 2, 2013

Time change! Is your body, mind, and spirit ready?

Dear Family on Our Journey!

I was so blessed by prayer walking tonight it calmed my soul just to pray and feel the cool night air surrounding me. Changing time will not be difficult for us this year I hope and pray. 

How many of you have the august duty of changing all the clocks in your house? I see at least one here and I'm typing! I look forward to the extra hour of sleep but I don't look forward to how it will affect my body mind and spirit. I don't think any one does. How many of you have odd memories of time changes in the past? I remember when it happened the same day that we had Easter and I had to get up and walk to church. Not easy having to have one eye on the clock and know that I had to be up bright and early to dress and go down to church in dress and dress shoes in a tote bag. Almost reminds me of the "Devil Wears Prada" I'm usually the one who is on deck for the 8:00 a.m. service at church when these things occur but this time I have to be up and on the road to St. Paul's Pomona for a DOK (Daughters of the King ) installation. I wish Martha Martel good luck and I hope she remembers her duties. Let's remember to pray for all clergy, lay leaders, and the various congregations as they meet another one of these time changes. It never gets any easier as we get older. I just saw this on Facebook:

"A Sonnet To The Return Of Standard Time" by Caroline J. Kenney

O precious hour – return’d to me at last!
Once stolen from a dreary Sat’rday night

Under false pretense that we’re ‘saving light’.
For energy we use does not decrease
And I, for one, can shop without the sun.
The farmers have opposed without caprice....
All Hallow’s Eve was dark when I was young.
But when the leaves around begin to turn
To colors -- ah! Vermillion tinged with gold –
And chill o’ertakes the air, I start to yearn
For that sweet stolen time to be paroled.

I’ll treasure you, dear hour, tho’ briefly. Then
In four short months, they’ll steal you back again.

Some tips for you to navigate tomorrow!
Tonight pretend that you have taken a flight that is on PST start thinking that you are on the new time! It is now 7:28 p.m..
Make sure you stay hydrated and eat well tomorrow. 
Talk time for some outdoor time to get your sun time in and the necessary Vitamin D.
Watch the carbo loading and tryptophan. I'm sleepy just mentioning it.
Start doing crossword puzzles or something that will give your mind exercise.
Don't get overly plugged into the cyber world.
Pray and meditate. Sing and listen to music that will raise your spirits.
The list is endless! Keep your chin up most of us are on the same time change journey.

Please keep those prayer requests coming in! We are making a difference in our family member's lives. Please  pray for me as I travel to Pomona tomorrow morning! I love you! You matter to me! You are an awesome family and I treasure you!

Love, Peace of mind, Gratitude, and Joy !


Music Sampler

Walton Coronation Te Deum

Walton Jubilate Deo

Joy- George Winston

Variation of Canon

Thanksgiving George Winston

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