Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's a marvelous night for a prayer walk (Van Morrison inspired)

Good Evening Dear Family !

 It was a marvelous night for a prayer walk! I walked the whole Broadway Loop and I felt good about it! I'm amazed that I didn't get out of breath once.  I really felt God's blessed presence tonight. He sustains everyone, even when you do  not feel it. Today I felt it now more than ever. I had 3 important events that I needed to attend and I made each and every one of them! I still am amazed that I made it to places on time and not skating in. This season please take time to get where you are going to and coming from! No reason to hurry! 

Tonight I was struck by the silence of the streets and our town! You could actually hear a pin drop! That's how it sounds at home this very moment. Silence and unplugging are things we all must do this season and at all times. It is how we find our selves listening to and for the voice of God. All the loudness makes it difficult for God to get in touch with us. 

If you prayer walk here are a few things that you can do to change things up this season and at all times really: Turn off the music
          Take out the headphones
           Start noticing the world around you. 
           Try not to think ahead to the next moment.
Ask yourself what your body is feeling? Are you calm or restless? If you are restless keep working at being in silence.  After awhile it will become much easier.

Prayers for this evening:
Lord help us to hear your voice this present moment and feel your arms around us saying " I Love You, You are Mine!"
Lord take away all anxiety of the upcoming week and give us calm spirits and joyful hearts to be able to thoroughly thank you on Thanksgiving!
Guide us this night as we prepare for ourselves for the upcoming holiday seasons and be mindful of  those who celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, Beltane, and all other religious holidays. Help us to show love to all of our family members this season and at all times especially those who believe differently.
We thank you Lord for this day and _______________________
We lift up all those who are in our hearts to you Lord______________________________________
We remember The People of Syria, Iran, the Philippines, those in prison, those who travel and everyone who is in need and feeling lost at this present moment.
Help us O Lord not to hurry through our lives! Give us grace to live day by day without rushing to get to places, the next event or season or holiday! Give us permission to take time and do things calmly and with intentionality.
All these petitions and thanksgivings we lift up
 in Jesus' Most holy name ! Amen!

Well dear ones that is all for this evening! I love you, You matter, and I carried you and your prayer requests in my heart this night and always.

Love and peace of mind!


Praise My Soul 

Hallelujah Chorus - A soulful Messiah

Crown Him With Many Crowns

1 comment:

  1. The life of people who cannot walk is a suffering. But everyone has the right to live a life worth living for. And so we are here to aid people to make life easy and comfortable. Walking cane can help people walk without the support of other people.
