Sunday, January 5, 2014

Giving the gift of prayers ! The Prayer cycle and mini walk for the week of Epiphany!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Tonight I couldn't believe that walking 3 miles seemed almost effortless. I wasn't sure if we were going to pray in place but, God had other ideas! Amazing! God always has better ideas and when we are connected to God, it even turns out better than expected. For the past week I have been tuning in to all of your prayer requests and I thank you for them. The prayer request topics will be in this week's prayer cycle and  walk. When we pray we are giving the gift of our attention and love. Sometimes family members (people) are at a loss for what to do when a certain situation arises and ask what they can do do help. I think our first response is to give the gift of prayers. With the gift of prayers one doesn't have to worry about food allergies, the wrong size, or any of the usual things that happen with gift giving. Giving the Gift of our prayers is one of the best ways to show compassion, love, and yes even practice random acts of kindness. That being said let us pray our weekly prayer cycle and take our weekly walking pilgrimage. Won't you walk with me on our journey?

Dear Lord, let us pray this week for the renewal of wonder that the Magi found when they visited our Lord in the Manger of  Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

Help us to be the light to the  dark places and broken areas of  the world. May we shine like the Star in the East and lead others to you O Lord. May we do this with love and compassion and a gentle spirit.

We pray especially for:

Those who are living in the areas affected by the extreme weather.
We pray particularly the homeless, hungry, elderly, the lonely, those on the margins, and animals this day and always. (Remember all of us are family members these are categories to help us focus our prayers)

We pray for all those who have any kind of  chronic illness and  disability. We remember especially those who provide care for them.

We pray for all those who have mental illness and memory disorders. 

We pray for women and children.
 We pray especially for all sexual assault victims, victims of human trafficking and exploitation.
We pray for those who are abused, bullied, and victims of hate crimes.
We pray for an end to violence and hate. May we show the world how to be peace makers.

We pray particularly for the world's hot spots: Southern Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Russia, Afghanistan, 

 We pray for___________________________

We give thanks for________________________

We celebrate the lives of those who have entered into eternal life_______________________.

All these prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings are offered to you O Lord in your Son Jesus' name. Amen.


The Mini Walk for the Week:

This mini walk is designed to get you outside for a short time or pray in place during the hours when we walk 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. PST.

 Find music that will last about 30 minutes (You may go longer if you wish)

Decide what your prayer walking intention will be. This week I would suggest that we pray for all  of our family members who live outdoors in the cold weather. Remember Buena Vista Vince? He is still at the bus shelter. I did see him eating at Buena Vista Park this morning! 

Begin your walk with our old familiar preps!

For those who haven't done our prayer walks we walk at whatever time is most suitable. I choose the evenings because of the peaceful qualities and that was when God walked in the Garden of Eden.

We  prepare  ourselves by hydrating with the image of Living Water coursing through our veins, tying our laces securely, wrapping our bodies with God's Warm prayer coat.

We invite God on our walk using these words or your own. God we invite you as you invite us to walk with you on our journey. Enliven our spirits, quicken our steps and open our hearts as we pray and walk.

Pray for our neighbors/family members ( Remember they can be next door, nearby, stranger, and yes our enemy)

Pray for safety on our walk and those who keep us safe from harm.

Pray and give thanks for____________________

Pray to be good stewards of God's Cathedral of Life and pray for all who litter and pollute.

Pray for all those who are walking, biking, driving, or taking any form of transportation.

Start noticing who is on our walk and your surroundings. Let's begin the intention of our prayers.

Take time to pray for those who have requested prayer. This is the time when you get to give the gift of your prayers to God on behalf of others.

Whenever you see a Stop sign take time to pay attention to your breathing and heart beating. That is God with in you. Are you beginning to feel peaceful, hopeful, joy, and and love filled to the brim and overflowing? Can you sense God's presence? I hope so. It may take many walks to feel and sense these things. Be patient. God is with you and us. Those holy endorphins will kick in soon enough. You should be able to feel God’s spirit and the Water of life coursing through your veins.

You may keep walking or you may end your walk. It all depends on where your walk takes you. I walk 3 miles and know where I can cut it short. 

If you should decide to end your walk here is the final prayer:We thank you Lord for letting us carry our prayers and those who have asked us for prayers in our hearts, minds, and spirits. We thank you for making our Feet Swift and Beautiful for you and guiding our steps on this prayer walk to the manger of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy and now help us to carry and shine the light of Christ into the world this day and always. Amen.


Yes, dear ones I did come across a shirt on the ground this evening. I ask your prayers for the person who left it behind and for their safety and warmth. We pray for the next person who will wear it. God give us mindful hearts when we see clothing and shoes that are left behind and help us to have tender hearts towards the least of these. Amen.

Well dear family of love and pilgrims that is all for now. I will be putting out the caregiver special blog this week! Look for it. I love you, you matter and I give thanks to God for you this day and always!

Love and with a peaceful mind, heart, and spirit.


Music Sampler:
Some of my favorites!

 Click on the links to take you to YouTube!

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