Sunday, January 26, 2014

In the Treks of our Prayers

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey!

Before I begin tonight's blog post I wanted to show you what the light pole looks like and I suggest you go and find the nearest street light near your home  and write the number down and put it on your refrigerator or inside cover of your phone book:

This is the street light that is out on my walk and I will report it tomorrow. 

Tonight's blog is called In the Treks of our Prayers not tears because today is Steve's Birthday and his second heavenly one since he entered eternal joy. Until I posted a picture of him on Facebook I thought I was doing fine. Just a twinge of grief and a realization that he is no longer suffering and is whole. 
This week's challenge is to reconnect and check in with your loved ones and those who grieve losses of any kind. The challenge from last week is still ongoing and the need to pray for the unlovable, those who challenge us and those who may need a little extra in the love and compassion department. Remember all of these are family members!

This week's mini-walk is to get you more familiarized with your neighborhood and neighbors. If you don't know who your Neighbors/Family members are it's high time. They play a role in our safety too!

              Mini Walk -Who are the People and places in your neighborhood. Praying and getting to know them and all our nearby family members.

Begin your walk with prayer.
Today go next door if you see someone home and say hi! Introduce yourself.
 Get their names if you can.
Take time to learn a few welcoming phrases in Spanish if you have Latino neighbors.
Take down the Street Light Pole Number. Pray for safety on your walk!
What do the sidewalks look like are they in disrepair. Pray for those who repair the infrastructure in towns, cities, freeways, etc.
All these steps will help you become better acquainted and less fearful. Always do this with a light heart and with compassion. In my neighborhood we also have a shopping center. Pray for the businesses and for heaven's sake give the small businesses nearby business! 
It's as simple as that! We can no longer be isolated from our family members. They make up an important part of where we and they live. 
How many people in your neighborhood  are the original neighbors? Take time to pray and remember all those who have moved out of your area. Remember that God calls and commands us to Love God, Love Neighbor, and Self! These aren't casual commands they are the way we are to live no matter what!
After you return from your walk, pray for your family members and think of way to be more neighborly.

                                                                           Prayer Cycle for the Week
The people of Syria, South Sudan, Egypt,  and an end to armed conflict
Those with Chronic illnesses and pain and that includes mental illnesses.
Our Governmental bodies.
For our faith communities and their leaders
For those discerning vocations, new life paths, and for directions on their life's journey.
For those who grieve loss of any kind.
For those who travel.
For peace and and and end to violence in schools, malls, homes, workplaces, and towns.
For all of our law enforcement personnel and military troops and peacekeepers.
For the laying down of worry.
For all those who are endeavoring to live authentically and we pray that we may be accepting of them.
For those seeking employment.
For the people of  Red Shirt Table on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
For the DOK torch relay and walk to Triennial.
For the challenges during the week ahead.
For those taking entrance exams.
For an end to hate of any kind.
For those in prison.
For those awaiting surgery or test results.
We pray for_________________________
We Give thanks for____________________
We Celebrate_________________________
We Remember_________________________
We pray to be bearers of hope, makers of peace, bringers of joy, and givers of love and those who shine your light to the world.
We pray that we may be able to spread the Good News and if we have to be the only Bible someone ever reads.
Well dear family of Love, these are this week's new prayer tasks and walks! May we continue to follow God with joyful enthusiasm and in the Treks of our Prayers on the journey God has set our feet upon.

Tomorrow I have a conference call and may walk earlier or we will pray in place. You never know what God has planned! Stay tuned!

Love and thanksgiving with a joyful and tender heart looking out for all of you my dear family with compassion and acceptance.


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