Sunday, January 19, 2014

Praying as a family and recognizing Christ in eachother

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

In case you haven't been paying attention on Facebook recently, I have been posting the times when I am prayer walking. The reason for this is that I am inviting all of us to be at prayer during this time as a family while I walk and carry you and your prayer requests. If we intentionally do this we will be united in purpose, love, thanksgiving and find it a powerful force for good in the world. As Archbishop Fulton J Sheen said on his program a long time ago, "The family that prays together, stays together!" I believe this now more than ever. If you are ever given a request from someone on Facebook or Twitter take a look at their Avi or Profile pix or find a picture of them in their albums if they have a picture of someone or something else. Look at that family member's face and see the face of Christ and say these familiar words "The Light of Christ in Me Recognizes the Light of Christ in you!" See everyone as Christ and as a family member. Bishop Curry reminded us that we all are family and that includes those we don't like and are our enemies and we must pray for them. It is easier to pray for those we like than those we don't and the same goes for our enemies as well. Our focus this week is is praying for the unloved, unlikable, and our enemies! Yes, that even means the person who sat in "your pew" this morning at church. We must" love one another as God loves us" 


This Week's Prayer Cycle

For our enemies, those who we don't like, those who rub us the wrong way, those who take us for granted.

For seasonable weather and rain in all the drought affected areas of  the country especially California

To be good stewards of  God's Cathedral of Life and conservationists of our water resources.

For the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Resources

For sound government and for leaders with compassionate hearts.

For all of our Family Members (Remember that is everyone!)

For all those who live on the streets and the many persons who have to panhandle just to get by.

For those who have relatives who have illnesses.

For those who have lost loved ones especially those who have lost parents in the past few weeks.

For those who struggle to live authentically and for acceptance.

For those discerning vocations and new life paths.

For those making difficult decisions.

That we may be beacons of hope, peace, joy, and love to the world.

That we may seek to "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God"

For  courage to speak truth to power as The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Junior did.

May we consecrate our lives in doing God's will not ours!

We lift up our prayers__________________

We give thanks for_____________________

We celebrate______________________

We Remember___________________

 Letting our fingers do the walking and  our eyes do the seeing
 as we use the newspaper or phone book etc. as a way to pray
 A Mini Walk when you  have to wait

Here is an easy way to take time to prayer walk with your fingers while reading if you have to wait in a doctor's office, waiting room, or can't get out. Walk your fingers down the columns and search the topics.

Find a newspaper or magazine and read the topics and  section headings  and pray for the issues of the day.
It even works for "Soap Opera Digest!" :)  The new issue has the following topic headings in the table of Contents: Crimes and Misdemeanors- Pray for those in prison and for justice in the courts
New Year, New You: Pray - Pray that God will continue to transform you and that you can be the change in the world.
Balancing Act: Pray that you will continue to honor your body, mind, and spirit and find balance in daily living.
On the side: Pray for anything that crosses your mind and in your heart.

Find a phone book and pray the table of contents.

Waiting to see your pastor or faith leader. See if the administrator or secretary can loan you a directory and pray for your faith community.

Have a Community Directory of Services? Pray a section at a time or the table of contents. 

If you are online and have FB chat pray for the Friends on line column!

Twitter- Pray the trending topics if applicable.

These can help if you find yourself at a loss for material to pray or are in a dry spell. 

Well dear ones that is all for this evening! I love you my dear brothers and sisters. Have a blessed rest and we will be with you tomorrow. Remember- you matter to God and me and that we are blessed to be family.

Love and peace of mind and I give God thanks for you this day and always!


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