Friday, August 16, 2013

Messages and mindfulness

Light and peace!

Wow it's Friday again! And it is now dark at 8:30 and I have been home preparing for our nightly time together and what to say. Tonight, I went back to a more contemplative walk with Robert Shulman's " Transformation at Assisi" as the music. It is wonderful for prayer walking and has  a lot of built in ebb and flow that makes prayer a whole lot easier. I prayed along the way and while I was on Broadway I came across this pair of shoes. I asked myself, if someone forgot them? Are they waiting for someone else to wear them? In many countries and even our own shoes are currency, and like currency they are valuable beyond measure. What do shoes do for us? Take time to ponder this,and ask yourself if you could go without shoes?

Along the way I saw many things that reminded me of scripture;

"I lift up my eyes to the hills......

"And every stone shall cry..."

What real life vistas open you up to God's grace and mercy?  Are you ready to make that first step? As this picture on Facebook so lovingly pointed out:

It's time to stop fighting the past but build on the new. Let's start anew each minute of the day. Every minute of the day is an opportunity to change and renew.

Lots of  Love and peace of Mind!


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