Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When life presents you with clouds and the marine layer. Take a walk and sing hymns and pray!

Dear Fellow Journey People!

Last night while I was taking my walk one of my dearest friends and former vocal coach and mentor Gary passed away. It seemed only fitting to dedicate my walk to his memory and also play church music for the walk. It is truly remarkable how last night's walk was telling me in subtle ways, what was to come. At one point last night as I told you, I walked during a period of silence and then about 7:22 p.m. I turned the music back on to "I'm the Bread of Life" Amazing how God choreographed the walk and the prayers. 

This evening's walk was very much the same. The famous Santa Maria marine layer came to call and the temperature was cooler than usual. I found that I needed to revise my route just a tad and I was surprised that I could actually pray by just changing things up. All of the requests for prayer were honored and many more added. If you are part of my social media family you and your loved ones were and are prayed for daily.  When I got to the area where the house where the flag pole had the flag half staff. I prayed for our Troops, their families, and the our newest soldier who lost his life in Afghanistan. With prayers interspersed I lifted my voice in song in honor and loving memory of Gary, Glenn Montague, and Patty Boyd. All of them mentors who were consummate musicians who taught me many life lessons. I remembered the breathing exercises and the posture. Those skills still help and yes even on a walk. They are very useful even when one serves and reads in church.

Tomorrow's challenge is to remember who your mentors were and are. Write down their names, pray for them and if they are still living thank them.  I consider everyone on our path some kind of mentor. Have a blessed night! I love you !

Love and peace of mind!


Music Sampler

For all the Saints (Sine Nomine)

St. Patrick's Breastplate

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