Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shine on Harvest Moon and let God's light shine in us and through us!

Hello Prayer Walkers and Pilgrims in Cyberspace!

Shine on Harvest Moon and let God's light shine in us and through us! This was evident tonight, and you will see by many of the photos just how wonderful God's creation is. We have a marvelous world in which to discover. Getting outside is necessary for we spiritual beings. It is like getting a spiritual vacuuming. Walking is like cleaning  out the cobwebs and refocusing on what is really important. I'm finding that quite a few of you are reluctant to ask for prayer. I can understand that. Here is how you can contact me: You can DM me on Twitter or Message me on Facebook. If you'd like to email me I can give you that info there. If you follow me on Twitter or are a Friend on Facebook I will receive your requests live on our walk.

 We all need to be able to let God's light shine in us and through us. When people see that there is no longer a stranger to stranger connection,we become family members, for that is what everyone on the planet is. Sometimes, ok,  most times  I think the man made boundaries get us into trouble. Take a look at some of the pictures the International Space Station has taken and you'll see that all the lines, boundaries, and barriers have disappeared. Do not create barriers or walls that will prevent you from getting to know our family members who are different from you or me.  Tonight I saw many family members yet again taking shelter at City Hall. I'm thinking that some day we all need to look at having an after hours safe house that compliments the Good Sam Shelter down town. For those of you who are new to my blog, everyone is a family member. Remember that love and compassion are the keys to  heal this broken world. Continue knitting the prayer circle around this broken world of ours. We  need to knit now more than ever before.

Tonight Taize was the music of choice and I will give a few selections in our Music Sampler Section. Taize is the best music for prayer walking there is. One Taize album can be enough for a typical prayer walk.

Music Sampler

Ubi Caritas

There is One Lord

In The Lord

May you all have a blessed eveing! I love you all and carry each or you and your prayer requests both said and unsaid in my heart every night.

Love and peace of mind,


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