Monday, September 2, 2013

Sights, sounds, and a mellow Monday for prayer and a walk.

Happy Labor Day Monday!

Let's start with this question: What do you do to reduce the stress in your life? As I walked tonight I began to think about how much stress everyone goes through on holiday weekends. Getting to your destination, waiting for a table, did I leave any part of the house open, and can I enjoy being at my final destination once I get there? Just to name a few. Many of us need to unwind the mind! I wish I had a sample of the music by Richard Shulman, his "Light from Assisi" is perfect for walking and unwinding the mind. He also has a second album called "Transformation at Assisi" They both transport you through your walk and prayers. We talked about having fun last evening, that is one way to de-stress or as my late beloved sister Margie would have called it decompressing. Here again getting outside  and breathing fresh air and seeing the wonder of God's creation is another marvelous way of reducing stress. Can you try to do this this week? I know tomorrow is a double Monday on a Tuesday but we all have to find ways to do this, or our bodies, minds and spirits will not be in balance. Finding balance is your ticket to sanity and health. If you are gym rats that will work too but don't neglect getting your vitamin D outside. If you get lost in stress you need to consider as my Garmin would say 'recalculating route" I would change that to "Recalculating stress level."  If you have a belief system GPS will become God Prevents Stress! God doesn't cause it! So my dear ones won't you lay your burdens down and go for a walk in the outdoors and feel God's presence? I invite you as always to give it a try!

That's all for tonight! I love you!

Love and peace of mind,



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