Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A wonderful day with lots of wonder, love, joy, gratitude, and common threads coalescing! A Big Wow in the awe department!

Good Evening Dear Family on our Journey!

When I got up this morning I hadn't any idea that some of the zingers or little tidbits of inspiration would be common themes in this blog! The themes or as they call them in social media, threads were Wonder, Gratefulness, love, and Joy. I must say that having these themes come up from two family members who do not know each other  is a little bit wind chimey to say the least. I seem to be a conduit for these wonderful opportunities and times of grace. I give thanks to these family members whom I dearly love as I dearly love you all as well, for their contribution to tonight's blog!  Can you feel the warm fuzzies and see my smile in your hearts? I hope so. 

Today I kept wondering what  I would say in this blog but, seeing and feeling the rain gave me the sense and wonder of God's creation and amazement how good and cleansing the first fall rain is. Did any of you have time to feel it, smell it, be grateful for it? Gratitude  and being grateful is important now more than ever before. Sometimes we get too busy to actually be grateful and not take things and family members(people) for granted. I'm grateful for all of you who decide to read this blog. I'm getting misty-eyed here! That's ok. It shows that we have an emotional and spiritual connection built on love and trust.  Joy is another one of those words and feelings that are also called fruits of the Spirit. Some of the themes of this blog contain them; love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I would add gratitude and being grateful to these as well.

At our Wednesday morning Holy Eucharist and Healing service we had a lesson from Isaiah 11:1-10 and the prophet Isaiah put together all kinds of animals who shouldn't belong together and they were living peacefully. It reminded me that we are all in this together and we need to drop all the antagonism and get on with the business of loving one another and to stop setting up barriers that prevent us from doing so. There are no barriers here. We are all on this journey together. I love you very much, I give thanks to God for you, Writing and bringing this blog is a joy, and I love finding and seeing and bringing the wonder of God's creation to you every day.

Love and Peace of Mind 



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