Monday, October 28, 2013

Waking after the rain and thinking about the least of these.

Dear Family on Our Journey,

I decided to go without music tonight just to hear the sounds of the evening breeze, sounds of the cars on the streets, and smell the clean air. Sometimes it is good not to have a lot of distraction. I had many tonight due to getting used to be in my cozy coat and warm socks and a whole lot of layers! I might as well have been dressed for snow but, it helped me know that I can do the prayer walk comfortably. It got me to think and pray for those who are less fortunate here are a few ways for us to care for the homeless, lonely, and the hungry. It is that time of year to go through our closets and look for all the warm clothing that we no longer use and give them to charities that need them.  Here is a list that charities might need:
Shoes (warm and closed toed)
Warm Clothing
Mittens and Scarves
Warm socks
Rain wear (Boots, ponchos, umbrellas) 

At our church we have a program called Martha's Meals which give out shelf stable lunches. Anyone can make these up and have them in your car:
Here is how to make them:
Brown paper lunch bag,
Napkin, plastic cutlery
Granola bar
Juice box
Any kind of shelf stable protein (Tuna Salad w/crackers, vienna sausages, etc)
Crackers and cheese
Small pouch of  nuts.
Shelf stable fruit
Don't for get pet food and things for God's littlest creatures!

Use your imagination. Lots of banks have a coat drive barrel this time of year. Begin looking at all the possibilities to give, to share, to love, and practice random acts of kindness. This isn't just a this time of year thing to do, it is an everyday thing to do! God sees it and it is good!

I love you!

Love and Peace of Mind!

Remember you matter to God, You matter to me, I hope you matter to your self and all our family members matter to God and to us!


Singing in the Rain

The Rainbow Connection

We Are The World

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