Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Keeping it real as the holiday hype gets going!

Dear Family on our Journey,

I don't know how many of you have noticed that we are now in the season of  Hallgivimas (That's Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas)? We are and I feel we need to be reminded to take one day at a time and not get wrapped up in all the hype. Today I asked in prayer that we keep it real  and focused on what matters. As we turn to the celebration of Halloween and All Saints let us take time to remember all of our loved ones who now reside in the Thin Places  (Heaven). Take time to do something in their honor and memory. Make tomorrow a special day for your children but don't get them so sugared up that they will be sick. If you are going to be like me, I will be getting ready for our little visitors. Speaking of that have you made your front door safe and visible? Practice safe trick or treating tomorrow with flashlights in hand. On Friday night light candles in loving memory of those who have passed and don't don't forget to add marigolds to the mix. I have to do that tomorrow. 

How to avoid the hype: Here are a few tips! 

Honor the calendar! One holiday and event at a time and no rushing it. I believe in celebrating each one with special decorations. I try not to listen to Christmas music until sometime in Advent. ( My birthday December 8 is the beginning of Christmas prep) 

Keep holiday expectations realistic. If you are grieving continue to mix it up and honor the grieving process. 
Take time for laughter and humor.
Make time for physical fitness.
Enjoy the journey to, in, and through these special days. I think this year will be better than last year for me.
Keep your minds active! Learn something new. That includes learning to cook a new dish. Read inspirational stories and don't get so zoned in cyberspace. Unplug and reconnect with family,friends, neighbors, and loved ones. God's creation with all the Fall Smells, hues, and weather patterns too!
Enliven your spirits by prayer, prayer walking, worship, and special services. 

Don't wait to do this. Start tomorrow. Remember to buy batteries and change before the clock change.

I love you and remember we are going to be walking this journey together for the first time this year! Are you excited about this? I am more than you'll ever know. Keep the faith and continue to have a wonderful Wednesday!

Love, blessings, peace of mind, and heartfelt gratitude!


 Music- Loreena McKennitt
Moon Cradle

The Old Ways

Samain Night

Standing Stones

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