Wednesday, October 23, 2013

From Whimsical Wednesday to Wind Down Wednesday.

Good Evening Family on Our Journey,

It is really good to be home and getting back into a daily routine, whatever that is! I love being back on our walk and praying! Tonight and last evening it was time to wear a jacket! It is now getting much cooler. I have been seeing on both social media sites a lot of stressed out people and I pray for all of us who have some kind or stress or other. Stress doesn't help our life's journey. It makes it difficult to find balance. That is why earlier today I called today Whimsical Wednesday. We all need some kind of fun or an activity that will help lighten our spirits and make us less tense, anxious, and resentful of our life's circumstance. This can be watching weird animal videos on YouTube, unplugging your digital devices, or listening to your favorite artists just to name a few. Walking, praying, and blogging help me find balance of body, mind, and spirit. You'd be surprised if you just change up your life's routine or way of doing things how it will make you breathe much easier. This part of Wednesday is now called Wind Down Wednesday! It is time to wind down from your day's life journey. What does that look like to you? To me it is walking, praying, blogging, and also taking a nice cleansing shower. Can you all begin to unplug earlier? We all have multiple devices that keep us connected. I give you permission to not be constantly connected or have as a certain email delivery company is called Constant Contact. If you have a family please let them know that you need to have self-care time at home. Find a corner and if that isn't possible find some place that you like to go. Starbuck's, Panera, the public library, might be good candidates. I don't rule out bars but just make sure you have a designated driver. In the comments section place your stress reducers so we can learn  other ways of coping! Have a blessed and less stressful night. I love you and want you  to rest, refresh, and renew your bodies, minds, and spirits!
Have a Relaxing rest of the evening! When you do this you matter to yourself and others who matter to you!

Love and peace of mind,


Music Sampler
From "The Way"


Nadal De Luintra  


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