Sunday, October 6, 2013

God's Rich Tapestry and Pallet:in tonight's skies just like we are! Made in God's image to love not hate

My dearest family,

What a difference a day makes! No churlish character to upset my prayer walking, and taking of photos. God had me change up the route just a bit and, I was glad that S/He did! You'd be surprised the skies I was able to see just in my neighborhood and on Broadway alone. No Miller route tonight! I love when the weather cools down and we get these amazing skies.

Part of prayer walking has led me to more obedience to where God is leading me, leading us . Obedience means listening with the ear of the heart. I believe that God is leading us to love more, accept more, and challenging us to get out of the teeny tiny boxes that confine us and confine our thinking, With all the of the bad and terrifying things that are happening in the world today, we are called to dig deep into ourselves and let go of hate, resentment, the need to be right at the expense of  loosing relationships. This does not mean going along to get along it simply means that we all need to think, pray, and choose our battles wisely. If anything we need to be more kind and sensitive to those who are on the margins! That may mean you or me from time to time. You just never know who is  on the outside looking in! I have been on the outside looking in most of my life. So I know how our family members of the LGBTQ community, chronically Ill, those with mental illness, and are disabled, just to name a few feel and are trying to navigate their lives the best they can.They do not need haters in their lives and neither do we.  These our family members are constantly living on the margins and facing haters and bullies. In many ways I still do. But, this isn't about me, it's about us.  I would like everyone this week to see where you fall in these categories: are you the Bullyee or the bully?  Are you in the in crowd or are you on the margin? Remember  these things do change from time to time.Make a list of those things that you are most uncomfortable with and  pray that list and ask God to release you from each bias or hate or insensitivity. Each day as you go through the list let go of one of your biases and replace it with love, forgiveness, mercy, and loving kindness. Be mindful of old biases or hates coming back and pray harder or ask some on to pray with you. That is all for tonight my dear ones! I love you more every day! I don't know how that is possible but it is! You are gifts from God just by your being present in my life and enrich all those in our family.

I love you and will never hate!

Love and peace of mind!


Music from "Eat, Pray, Love"

Flight Attendant

The Long Road - Eddie Vetter


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