Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Back on the prayer walking trail and loving it!

Dear Ones!

I was so glad to get back on the prayer walking trail this evening! It felt good to be nourished by the crisp and clean air and to feel God's presence. Tonight I prayed the prayers you have been giving me and added some of my own. I'm finding that you all are kind of sending me requests without having to write them. I hope I'm correct. God and I have been having many convos or conversations together in the past few weeks. Not just actively engaged with prayer but real conversations about the direction of my life. I can't believe all the goodies God keeps sending me and letting me know that I'm not going to be a Bonsai here in Santa Maria all my life.  A bonsai tree is pretty to look at but is stunted and not allowed to grow out of its container. God wants me to be out in the world and doing ministry of all kinds and in a variety of places. Just this past week I have had a variety of ministerial experiences that are exciting and causing me to grow and flourish. I never thought that I'd be doing an actual program for the Order of the Daughters of the King(R) and being an inspirational speaker! "Not me!", I said a few years ago but God said "Yes you! Get used to it !"  "I have more exciting things planned and you must be prepared for just about anything"  "Do not get too rooted in what others may have planned for you either", "My plans are far superior, life giving and sustaining!" "Listen to me!" "I won't steer you wrong!" "Have I ever?"  and God keeps showing me (us ) that  this is true. Today I had the 3rd in a series of meetings at the Cathedral Center in Los Angeles in the Echo Park area. I hadn't been involved with the Episcopal Church Women on the board. Since I'm DOK President, I now have a place on the board. The Convener of the meeting asked me to to the Devotion and opening prayer. I had less than five minutes to prepare! Good thing I had The Prayer Book with me! What was special today was to have Bishop Mary Glasspool present and Archdeacon Joanne Leslie. Both of these very important women have met me in other settings! This was the first time seeing me in a leadership role. I was able to do a quick prep and it all went smoothly. Lessons learned today lovies, be prepared for anything. God keeps mixing things up. Don't get so rooted that you can't take flight and soar with the amazing wings God has given you. I'm doing just that, and I can't wait to see where my (our) feet and wings take us! I'm ready willing and able and have said yes to all possibilities! Are you ready to do the same?

Here is the opening prayer from today's meeting!

A Prayer attributed to St. Francis
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
are born to eternal life. Amen

Glad to be back on the prayer waking trail and loving it and loving you!

Love and Peace of mind!


Music Sampler (These were on the radio when I came home from Los Angeles. KUSC) Victory and happy dances! I guess!

Jupiter - Holst

Crown Imperial - Walton

Walton - Orb and Sceptre

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